Say 👋 hello to BusyBee, your AI-powered learning & teaching companion for Buzz. Learn more!
This collection includes all articles from the Teacher section organized by tool. Because teachers may be interested in topics that relate to other roles, some of these links point to the the Student, Admin, and Parent or Observer sections.
- Get started with Buzz: Teachers
- How do I access help for Buzz?
- Teacher tool breakdown
- How do I sign in to Buzz?
- Sign In To Buzz (video-only)
- How do I upgrade to Buzz?
- Migrating from BrainHoney to Buzz
- Migrating from previous versions of Buzz
- How do I manage Course Cards?
- Buzz Glossary
- Buzz System Requirements
- Buzz keyboard shortcuts
- How do I use course variables?
- Using Buzz for Professional Development (pdf-only)
Buzz in practice
Buzz in practice articles suggest ways to use Buzz to enhance student experience, streamline your processes, and incorporate personalized learning models.
Open Activities for access to what your students see when they visit your Course Home and to review/test activities. You can also add and/or edit the landing page content students see on visiting the Course Home.
The Calendar displays due date notifications. Select a date or view for a list of activities.
Use the Clipboard to quickly provide personalized attention to individuals and groups of students. It is always available in the toolbar for ease of use, and you can assign activities, award badges, assign tasks, and message students quickly and easily.
- How do I use the Clipboard?
- How do I add students to the Clipboard?
- How do I assign activities using the Clipboard?
- How do I award badges?
- How do I send messages with Buzz?
- How do I create Quick Lists?
- How do I create Clipboard Tasks?
- How to assign personalized activities to students (animated image-only)
Use Communication to post announcements that appear above the To-do List and compose and send messages to individuals and groups.
Use the Editor to create and edit activities and structure the course.
- How do I use the Editor tool?
- How do I set up my course structure?
- How do I set up a continuous enrollment course?
- How do I add activities to my course?
- How do I use Buzz's activity types?
- How do I create multiple grading periods within one course?
- How do I create grading schemes?
- How do I link to or copy content from another course?
- How do I enable and manage student choice activities?
- How do I create and/or import objectives?
- How do I review my students' progress on mastering objectives?
- How do I align activities with objectives?
- How do I use the project wizard?
- How do I edit an activity?
- How do I make changes to multiple activities at once (Bulk Edit)?
- How do I create questions for assessment and practice questions activities?
- How do I create formative assessments?
- How do I create remediation assessments?
- How do I vary attempt limits by question?
- Buzz Authoring: Unsupported HTML Tags
- How do I review Lesson grades?
- How do I create and use rubrics?
- How do I create and manage grade scales?
- How do I add content from the Digital Library?
- How do I create activities with Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)?
- How do I create a Turnitin activity?
- How do I create agendas for my students?
- How do I change my course's objective mastery threshold?
- How do I enable audio/video submissions?
- How do I create landing page content for folders?
- How do I manage Course Settings?
- How do I use activity editors?
- How do I use the assessment/homework Text editor?
- How do I create course badges?
- How do I restore deleted activities and folders?
- How do I create and edit rubrics for Peer Assessment?
- How do I review and grade Peer Assessment activities?
- How do I set up Multi-Outcome Scoring in a course?
- How do I align activities with scoring outcomes?
- How does Multi-Outcome Scoring impact my other tools?
- How do I import gradebook settings from a course template?
- How do I manage course resources?
- How do I configure group-specific activity settings?
Home is Buzz's landing page and starting point for navigating the app. It displays current announcements for all courses, the To-do List for all courses, and Course Cards. This tool gives you a good overview of what's happening in all of your current courses.
The People tool provides at-a-glance access to various student data points in one simple table. Use it to track student progress, create and manage groups, send mail, and invite, add, or drop students.
- How do I use the People tool?
- How do I manage data in my People tool?
- The People Page (video-only)
- How do I create and manage groups?
- How do I invite students to a course?
- How do I add students to a course?
- How do I send messages with Buzz?
- How do I filter the content displayed in Buzz?
The Performance/Gradebook tool enables users to track student progress in many areas.
- How do I use the Performance/Gradebook tool?
- How do I enter grades?
- How do I review personalized activities?
- How do I review my students' progress on mastering objectives?
- How do I export scores?
- How do I review and grade student choice activities?
- How do I filter the content displayed in Buzz?
- How do I review Lesson grades?
- How do I use the Grade Editor?
- How do I use the Activity Grader?
- How do I manage and submit final grades?
- How do I create audio/video feedback for students?
- How do I create and use feedback templates?