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How do I deliver Buzz content in Dawn (LTI 1.3)?

  • Updated:

Dawn now supports LTI 1.3 as a new feature.

This has been developed, specifically, to support all Buzz activities that are available through our learning delivery tool, Publish Anywhere.  

Is Publish Anywhere new to you?

Let's talk about how you can use this powerful Buzz Add-on to deliver your content to any compatible LMS! Complete this brief form to get started.

Learn more about Publish Anywhere

You can easily deliver Buzz content in Dawn using LTI 1.3 and our learning delivery tool, Publish anywhere.

1. Acquire Buzz handshake URLs

LTI 1.3 and LTI Advantage use handshake URLs for security. To acquire them in Buzz:

  1. Open Domain Settings in the Buzz domain that has the content you want to use.
  1. Scroll to the Publish Anywhere platforms card and click Add.
    • Note: You must be a Publish Anywhere customer for this card to appear in Buzz. If you don't see it, contact your account manager.
  2. Copy the following URLs:
    • OpenID connect login URL
    • Tool key set URL
    • Tool redirect URL
  3. Click Cancel and exit Domain settings.

2. Register Buzz in Dawn

Once you've acquired the handshake URLs,  use them to configure Dawn for the tool:

  1. Open Administration tools > Site management > Integrations, and click the Add LTI tools button on the LTI tools card. 
  1. Provide:
    • A Description for your use.
    • The OpenID connect login URL.
    • The Tool key set URL.
    • The Tool redirect URL.
  2. Click Add LTI tool.
  1. Dawn automatically generates the Platform settings you need to register it with the Buzz. Use the Copy icon to copy all of the values provided; save them so you can provide them to the LTI tool.
  2. Close.

3. Register Dawn in Buzz

Using the handshake URLs and other values you copied in Step 4, above, you can now register Dawn in Buzz:

  1. Open Domain Settings for the Buzz domain that has the content you want to use.
  1. Scroll to the Publish Anywhere platforms card and click Add.
  2. Provide the Name you want associated with the integration (e.g., Dawn site).
  3. Provide a Short name (ID). This value appears as a prefix on certain IDs in Publish Anywhere to help you identify which data they are associated with (this cannot exceed 15 characters and is case-sensitive).
  4. Provide Start and End dates to determine the period of time for which your content is available through this export.
  5. Provide the IDs and URLs you copied from Dawn:
    • Issuer
    • Client ID
    • Deployment ID
    • Platform key set URL
    • OpendID connect auth URL
    • 0Auth2 access token URL
  6. Click Done and Save.

4. Export 1EdTech (formerly IMS) Common cartridge from Buzz

Export course packages using Buzz's Teacher app:  

  1. Open the Editor in the course.
  1. Open the Tools menu in the toolbar and click Export 1EdTech package.
  1. Provide the Export file name you want.
  2. In the Destination learning system (LMS), select Other. You will have to manually make activities gradable after importing them.
  3. Make a note of LTI tool name. It will be [YOUR BUZZ DOMAIN] The exported package contains links to it, and anyone who imports the package must configure a tool using this name.
  4. Review the Compatibility status report to see which features in the course are not compatible with other LMSs and how Buzz handles them.
    • Note: You may want to create a derivative course that you can modify to decrease the number of issues reported in this step.  
  5. Click Export to download the package as an .imscc file.

5. Insert 1EdTech (Formerly IMS) Common cartridge into Dawn course

To insert the cartridge into your Dawn course:

  1. Open the Administration tools > Catalog screen.
  2. Click the Edit [pencil] icon next to the desired course.
  1. In the Section you want the content to be inserted, click Import and select 1EdTech Common cartridge.
  1. Choose the LTI tool name you created for this integration, click Upload file, and upload the zip file.
  2. The LTI tool content now shows inside your Dawn course for learners (and when you preview using the View as learner tool).

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