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Use Invitation links to easily invite learners to enroll in catalog entries whether they've already joined your site or not. Just create the link and send it to potential learners!
How do I create invitation and registration links for learners?
Invite individuals to join your site
Admins can invite people to join their site with the Learners screen (or when enrolling learners in the Catalog or Organizations screens).
Note: On the Site management > Website card, you can check a box to allow learners to enroll themselves, or uncheck it to make your site invite only (in which case the follow process is the only way to create user accounts).
- On the Learners screen, click the Invite user button.

- You can:
- Enter each individual's email address or mobile phone number on a separate line.
- Use Import file to upload a tab-delimited or comma-separated file (or paste the data from your file in the field).
- Click Next.

- On the Verify screen, make sure the email or phone numbers are accurate and add the first and last names for each person.
- Click Invite users. They will receive an email or text message with the invitation and link.
Invitations are valid for one week
To maintain security, invitation links are valid only for one week. If a link expires, you can re-send the invitation.

Bulk enroll learners by importing or pasting data
Dawn allows you to add enrollments in bulk by:
Import file
- Format data in your comma-separated (show below) or tab-delimited file formatted as follows:
First line: Column headers. You can use First name, Last name, Email, Phone, and/or Group
- Note: A Group header can only be added when creating enrollments for a catalog entry with existing groups using the Catalog screen.
- Each subsequent line: Add the data for each new users on its own line, making sure the information aligns with the sequence of the headers (e.g., if Email is your first header, start each user data with their email address, etc).
First line: Column headers. You can use First name, Last name, Email, Phone, and/or Group

- If you're doing this from the Catalog or Organizations enrollment screens, select Invite new learners or import data when you get to the Choose learners step. If you're doing this from the Learners screen (described above), you won't see this option.
- Click Import file and upload your file.
- You are automatically taken to the Map learner columns section; make sure the information correctly aligns.
If you're doing this from the Catalog or Organizations enrollment screens, continue the enrollment there. If you're doing it from the Learners screen, pick up on Step 4, above.
Invitations are valid for one week
To maintain security, invitation links are valid only for one week. If a link expires, you can resend the invitation.

Paste data
- If you're doing this from the Catalog or Organizations enrollment screens, select Invite new learners or import data when you get to the Choose learners step. If you're doing this from the Learners screen (described above), you won't see this option.
- Paste data from your comma-separated or tab-delimited file formatted as follows:
First line: Column headers. You can use First name, Last name, Email, Phone, and/or Group
- Note: A Group header can only be added when creating enrollments for a catalog entry with existing groups using the Catalog screen.
- Each subsequent line: Add the data for each new users on its own line, making sure the information aligns with the sequence of the headers (e.g., if Email is your first header, start each user data with their email address, etc).
First line: Column headers. You can use First name, Last name, Email, Phone, and/or Group
- Click Next.
- Use the Map learner columns section to make sure the information correctly aligns.
If you're doing this from the Catalog or Organizations enrollment screens, continue the enrollment there. If you're doing it from the Learners screen, pick up on Step 4, above.

Map learner columns
Uploading a file or pasting comma-separated content into the field (both described above) opens an additional step where you can make sure the uploaded/pasted data is mapped correctly. Each header is a dropdown menu that you can change to the correct header if needed.

Re-send invitations
Root administrators and Organization administrators can resend invitations that haven't been responded to or expired (for security purposes, they are valid only for one week) in the following locations:
- Enrollments screen
- Learners screen (Root admins, only)
- Learners > Learner details screen