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How do I give refunds in Dawn?

  • Updated:

Root administrators can provide full or partial refunds right in Dawn or using your Stripe dashboard (You can find Stripe's refund documentation here:

Site/Root admins can review all transactions made on their site on the Reports > Payments screen.

Full and partial refunds for active and deleted enrollments

At any time, a root admin can give a full or partial refund to a learner for active or deleted enrollments using View payment history. The View payment history option appears for Root admins in a user's More menu throughout the Administration tools.

This example shows access through the Administration tools > Learners screen:

  1. Click the More menu for the desired learner.
  2. Select View payment history.
  1. Click on the payment that you want to refund.
  1. Select Refund full amount or select Refund partial amount and enter the amount in the field that appears.
  2. Process refund.
  1. The refund is then reflected in the payment history.

Full refunds when deleting enrollments

When you delete learner enrollments for individuals or in bulk, you are given the option to give those learners a full refund. If you choose not to do this, you can still use the View payment history option described above to give a full or partial refund.

Refund receipt Message template

Dawn automatically sends a Refund receipt message to users when a refund is processed. The default message is pictured below, and you can make edits to it  if you like.


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