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How do I create and edit Sorting interactions in Dawn?

  • Updated:

Sorting interactions in Dawn can be created to allow learners to divide items by category and receive immediate correct/incorrect feedback (the item sticks or bounces back).

They can be set up to show each sortable item at a time.

Or you can set them up to show all sortable items at the same time.

Create Sorting interactions

To create Sorting interactions:

  1. Select the desired Section in the Catalog entry.
  2. Click Add interaction and choose Sorting.
  1. Give the interaction a Title.
  2. Provide Mastery award and Expected duration values.
    • Learners see how many they got right on first try at the end of the interaction and can reset and retry at that point. Sorting interactions are marked complete when a learner sorts the entire stack of items correctly on first try.
  3. Provide Instructions if they're needed.
  4. In the Display sortable items dropdown, choose how you want learners to see the sortable items: One at a time or All at same time.
  1. On the Sorting categories card, provide the Category type and Category title for each category. For each Category type, you can choose:
    • Text and enter any text you want. Text that exceeds the size of the card can be scrolled.
    • Centered image and provide the image you want centered on the card so it is all shown. You will also need to provide Alternative text that describes the image for accessibility purposes.
    • Full card image and provide the image you want to take up the card (if the image is not square, it will be cropped). You will also need to provide Alternative text that describes the image for accessibility purposes.
    • Audio and select a file (.mp3) that you have uploaded to the Resources library.
  2. Provide the Item title and Item type for each item you want to be in each category. Item types include the same options as the Category type, above.
  3. Use Add item and Add category buttons to flesh out the interaction.

All of the items you created either "stacked" for you learners (using the One at a time option), or arranged in a grid (using the All at same time option). Learners can drag and drop them to any of the categories or click the category to place the top card on it. If they sort the item correctly, the item sticks and a checkmark appears; if they sort the item incorrectly, the item shakes and returns to its place.

When the learner has sorted all of the items, they are shown how many they sorted correctly on their first try. They can Reset the interaction to try again to get all of the cards sorted on the first attempt (which is required for the interaction to be marked complete).


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