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Build and manage your Dawn site

How do I set up and use Purchase Orders in Dawn?

  • Updated:

You can set up your site so that individual learners can purchase catalog entries, or you purchase enrollments for a full Organization using a purchase order, and let learners enroll for catalog entries paid for by the organization.

What payment model does your site use?

Organizational purchase orders

Purchase orders contracts are prepared outside of the system, and then Site administrators create them.

Organization Administrators can use purchase orders to create enrollments for their organization's members and track the progress of those enrollments. On the Organization > Purchase orders screen, District/organization administrators can view purchase orders to see what funds are available and authorize enrollment purchases.

Create purchase orders

To set up a purchase order:

  1. Select the Organizations screen and open the organization you want.
  2. Click the Purchase orders tab.
  3. Click the Add purchase order button.
  1. Name the purchase order.
  2. Choose the Credit type:
    • Choose Funds to specify a maximum dollar amount for the purchase order. You will have to provide the Authorized amount to add the purchase order.
    • Choose Enrollments to specify a maximum number of enrollments to be covered by the purchase order. If you don't want the Purchase order to apply to all catalog entries, check the boxes next to the desired entries in the Limit to one or more catalog entries dropdown and provide the number of Authorized enrollments. If you want, you can set an Enrollment expiration (in days).
  3. If you want to Allow customer to exceed the authorized amount, check the box.
  4. Check the Active box to enable the order.
  5. Click Add purchase order.

Use purchase orders to enroll multiple users as part of an organization

Organization admins can enroll multiple users in catalog entries at once as part of their organization:

  1. Select the Organizations screen and open the organization you want.
  2. Click the Enrollments tab.
  3. Click the Enroll users button.
  1. Choose a catalog entry.
  2. Enter learner email addresses or mobile phone numbers. Each entry should be on its own line. Enter phone numbers as just numbers (without spaces, parentheses, or dashes).
  3. Wait for Dawn Academy to Verify the information. You get one of three responses for each learner:
    • Invite and enroll means that the user is not in the system associated with that email or phone number, so Dawn Academy will send them an invite.
    • Enroll means that the user is already in the system, but not enrolled in the selected class, so they are enrolled.
    • No action (already enrolled) means the user is already in the system and enrolled in the selected class.
  4. If you want the learners to be part of a group, check the Create a group box and provide a Group name and Group description. If you don't want a group, uncheck the box.
    • Including learners in groups allows them to message their group members and filter their conversations by group.
  1. Under Choose payment method, select Purchase order, choose the Purchase order to debit from the dropdown, and click Pay now.

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