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Build and manage your Dawn site

How do I create and manage groups in Dawn?

  • Updated:

Dawn allows you to divide learners into smaller groups within a course to:

  • Facilitate collaboration.
  • Enhance privacy for learners.
  • Create cohorts of learners that can be time-based and limited in number of learners.

Including learners in groups allows them to message their group members all at once and filter their conversations by group.

Create and manage groups with the Groups screen

To create a group from the Groups screen:

  1. Open Groups from Administration.
  2. Click Create new group.
  1. Provide a Group name and Group description.
  2. Indicate a Maximum size for the group (between 1-500).
  3. If you are the Root administrator for the site, you can associate the group with multiple Catalog entries and/or connect them to an Organization.
  4. Choose whether you want it to be a Private group, meaning that only group members, coaches, and administrators can see group activity.
  5. Choose whether you want the group to be a Time-based cohort, meaning that members of this group can access content only after a specified date and time.
  6. Click Create new group.

Manage and edit groups with the Groups screen

Once the group is created, you can:

  1. Filter by Catalog entry or Organization.
  2. Search groups to find the one you want.
  3. Review group details in the table.
  4. Click the More menu next to a group to Edit or Delete it.
  5. Select a group to review, delete, and add group members.

Manage group members with the Groups screen

When you select a group from the Groups screen, all group members are listed with their details. From here, you can:

  1. Search learners.
  2. Edit or Delete the group.
  3. Add learners.
  4. View a learner's Feed and post to it.
  5. Delete learners from the group.
  6. Select a learner to see their Enrollments screen.

When in the course, learners can choose to send posts to their group.

Create and manage groups with the Catalog > Enrollments screen

To create a group from the Catalog > Enrollments screen:

  1. Open Catalog from Administration.
  2. Select the course you want to see the Enrollments screen for that course.
  1. Make sure Everyone is selected from the Group dropdown to see all enrolled learners.
  2. Check the boxes next to the learners you want grouped.
  3. Click the Add to group icon in the toolbar and select Add to a new group (you can also select Add to an existing group, here if one exists).
  1. Provide a Group name and Group description.
  2. Indicate a Maximum size for the group (between 1-500).
  3. If you are the Root administrator for the site, you can associate the group with multiple Catalog entries and/or connect them to an Organization.
  4. Choose whether you want it to be a Private group, meaning that only group members, coaches, and administrators can see group activity.
  5. Choose whether you want the group to be a Time-based cohort, meaning that members of this group can access content only after a specified date and time.
  6. Click Add selected learners to group.

Manage and edit groups with the Catalog > Enrollments screen

Once the group is created, you can:

  1. Filter the list by group.
  2. Remove individuals from the selected group using their more menu.
  3. Edit any of the settings configured above, Delete, or Add learners to the group

When in the course, learners can choose to send posts to their group.


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