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How do I create invitation and registration links for learners?

  • Updated:

Dawn's Invitation links make it easy for you to invite learners to enroll in catalog entries whether they've joined your site previously or not. Invitations include custom overviews of the entry and walk learners through the steps they need to complete.

To create Invitation links:

  1. Open the Administration > Catalog screen.
  2. Click Invitation Links.
  1. Click Create invitation link.
  1. Provide:
    • Invitation Link Name which is used as the invitation header for learners.
    • Catalog entries that you want to invite learners to join.
    • Group if you want to add learners to specific groups when they join using the link.
    • Organization
  2. Create a description of the catalog entries you are inviting learners to join using either the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) or Markdown editors.
  3. Add invitation link.

The link is added to your Invitation Links screen where you can:

  1. Copy link to send it to learners.
  2. Click the link Name to edit or delete it.

Learners who are logged into the site can click Enroll. Learners who are not logged in or who have not joined your site, yet, can click Login to enroll and are walked through every step of the registration and enrollment processes.


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