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How do I create Multiple response questions in Dawn?

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Multiple response questions are multiple choice questions that can be set up with custom Response Feedback, and custom Mastery award amounts for each possible answer.

  1. A learner reads the question, selects their response(s), and clicks Submit.
  2. Feedback Response is immediately returned.
  3. In the menu, the learner can see how many Mastery award points they earned.  
  4. The learner can Reset the question to try again or click Continue.

Create a Multiple response question

To create a Multiple response question:

  1. Open the desired Catalog entry and Section from Administration > Catalog.
  2. Click Add instruction and choose Multiple response.
  1. Give the question a Title.
  2. Provide the Expected duration for the Interaction to inform Effort data.
  3. In the Question field, enter the question text as you want learners to see it.
  1. In the Choices section, provide each answer option (both correct and incorrect).
  2. Check the Shuffle choices box to shuffle the choices when displaying to the learner. Each time the learner clicks Reset the choices reshuffle.
  3. Click Add choice if you want more.

Continue in the Response section to create custom feedback and Mastery awards for possible answer combinations.

Provide feedback for responses

Dawn allows you to assign custom feedback and Mastery awards for possible answer combinations. This controls what your learners see after completing the Multiple response question in Dawn.

You can either:

Provide feedback for each choice.

Dawn allows you to assign custom feedback and Mastery awards for possible answer combinations.

When doing so:

  • By default, you are shown two sets of feedback Response fields:
    • One that allows you to specify a set of answer options that you want to return Mastery awards and feedback that you provide. Clicking Add response creates a new set of fields like this to edit.
    • One that is displayed for learners if anything other than what you've specified  is shown. This displays Else where you specified the answers in the other feedback fields. This remains no matter how many additional response fields you create.
  • Each answer can be associated with only one set of feedback.
  • Feedback Responses associated with all selected answers will be shown to the learner. So, if one feedback Response is associated with answers 1, 3, and 4, and answer 2 is associated with the Else feedback, a learner would see both sets of feedback if they chose answers 1 and 2.
  • The Mastery award you enter for a response is awarded for each selected answer, so two answers are associated with the Response with 3 Mastery award points assigned, and the learner selects them both, they will earn 6 Mastery award points.

To set up feedback Responses (after completing Steps 1-8, above):

  1. Select the answer(s) you want to provide feedback for in the If answer is dropdown.
  2. Assign a Mastery award value for the selected answer(s).
    • Note: The Mastery award you enter is awarded for each selected answer. So, in this example where answers 1, 3, and 4 are assigned a Mastery award of 3: If the learner selected all of them, they would earn 9 Mastery award points.
  3. Provide the Feedback you want given to the learner for the selected answer(s).
  4. If desired, enter a Mastery award if omitted that will be applied if a learner omits any of the specified answers. This would likely be 0 or a negative value.
  5. If desired, add Feedback if omitted for learners to see if they do not select the specified answers.
  6. Click Add response if you want to add more feedback options and repeat Steps 1-5 for each.
    • Note: Each answer option can be associated with only one set of custom feedback. In this example, if we clicked Add response, only answer 2-4 would be available in the If answer is dropdown because 1 is defined above.
  7. A final response field remains with a disabled Else dropdown where the If answer is dropdown appeared before. In this Mastery award points (including negative points) and Feedback field provide what you want returned to the learner for any answer other than the ones you defined above.
    • Note: This feedback appears along with the feedback defined above if answers from both sets are selected. In the example below, this would occur if the learner were to choose answers 1 and 2. Keep this in mind when creating feedback; in this example, the feedback corrects the information provided in answer 2 because it is the only answer not already associated with feedback.
  8. Save.

Provide simple feedback

The Provide simple feedback option is designed to streamline your response options as an author.

This mode allows only two response combinations and feedback, instead of allowing feedback for every choice. The two response options include:

  • All correct response feedback that is shown when the learner chooses all of the correct options and no others.
  • Incorrect response feedback that is shown when the learner chooses anything else.  

Here's how you set it up (after completing Steps 1-8, above):

  1. In the Response section, check the Provide simple feedback box.
  2. In the If answer is dropdown, select all of the correct answers.
  3. Assign a Mastery award value for each selected answer.
    • Note: The Mastery award you enter is awarded for each selected answer. So, in this example where answers 1, 3, and 4 are assigned a Mastery award of 3: If the learner selected all of them, they would earn 9 Mastery award points.
  4. If desired, enter a Mastery award if omitted that will be applied if a learner omits any of the specified answers. This would likely be 0 or a negative value.
  5. Provide the correct Feedback you want given to the learner for the selected answer(s).
  6. The Else field is associated with any answer combination that is not exactly correct. Assign the Mastery award points (including negative points) and, in the Feedback field, provide the incorrect feedback.
    • Note: This feedback appears along with the feedback defined above if answers from both sets are selected. In the example below, this would occur if the learner were to choose answers 1 and 2. Keep this in mind when creating feedback; in this example, the feedback corrects the information provided in answer 2.
  7. Save.

Review Multiple response question

Once you've saved your Multiple response question, you can click the View as learner button to preview it.

Try out all the answer combinations, hitting Reset between attempts, to make sure the feedback is working as expected.

Assign negative Master award points to answers

Multiple response interactions allow authors to assign a negative Mastery award value to an answer Response to penalize wrong answers and discourage learners from selecting all answers just to get the points all of them.

Negative points are subtracted from the interaction's overall score up to 0 (learners don't receive a negative point total for any interaction).


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