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How do I create a Matching graphic drag-and-drop question?

  • Updated:

You can format Matching questions as graphic drag-and-drop interactions where you give students an image with targets, and a list of draggable answer options that they can drag and drop on those targets.

  1. Set an image as the backdrop for your answer targets on the left.
  2. Place and size the targets anywhere on the image.
  3. Create a list of answer options (text and/or media) that are displayed on the right under Choices.
  4. Learners can drag the answer options to the content they match on the image.

Note: Keyboard shortcuts are provided for this activity.

To set up a Graphic drag-and-drop question

Matching questions can be added to assessments and practice questions activities.

  1. Add the Assessment or Practice Questions activity.
  2. Add a matching question to the activity.
  3. Follow the directions, below.

Question content

Once you've added the Matching question:

  1. Scroll down to the Interaction card and check the Drag and drop box.
  2. Provide a Choices title that appears with the draggable answer choices (optional).
  3. Specify a Choices orientation, which determines where the answer choices sit in relationship to the category targets (optional).
  4. Specify the Choice width and Choice height, which is the width and height of each draggable choice (optional). If you don't specify a size, Buzz dynamically sizes to the content you use.  
  5. Check the Graphic box. If you want the choices to be usable only once, click the Remove used choices from list.
    • Note the accessibility message: Graphic questions are not accessible for users who require keyboard-only access or screen readers.
  1. Scroll back up and specify how many Points the question is worth.
  2. Enter the question as you want it displayed to students.
  3. Click Select image to upload the image you want used as the background for the question. Your answer targets will be placed on this image.
  1. Once the image is placed, you can:
    • Click Remove image to cut and replace it.
    • Click Edit image to use the Draw tool to make graphic changes to the image right in Buzz.
  2. Click Add match to create the number of matches you want in the question.
  3. Click Add distractor to increase difficulty by creating draggable answer options that don't align with any target.

Use Edit image to add annotations, add shapes and arrows, cover text, crop the image and more.

  1. A target box is automatically placed on the image for every match you create. Drag the target boxes to the desired positions and resize them by dragging the bottom right corner. This example has six targets.
  2. You can define the border style, width, and color.
  3. All of the matches are listed below the image.
    • Click Add drop area on the left side of each match to create a target. Once placed,  you see the position and size of each target box.
    • On the right, you can enter the text and/or media that you want paired with each box. Selecting the match in this list highlights the box above.
    • If you want to include a distractor (an answer option that doesn't correctly match any of the targets), click Add match, but don't click Add drop area. Enter the distractor answer, and it will be included in your Choices box, but won't correctly match any of the targets.  
  4. Complete the rest of the question cards as you want.

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