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[Beta] How do I sync grades to my SIS (with OneRoster)?

  • Updated:

Note: This is a beta feature; we welcome your feedback as you test it out. If you encounter complications, please contact your system administrator to verify correct implementation and usage.

Buzz allows administrators to set up Grade passback to your SIS using the OneRoster specification, which can save you time and keep grades current for students.

When this is set up, you automatically see two buttons appear in your Gradebook > Tools menu:

  • Sync grades settings
  • Sync grades to SIS

This article explains how to configure those settings and start syncing grades:

  1. Map Categories and Periods to your OneRoster course
  2. Sync grades to SIS

1. Map Categories and Periods to your SIS course

  1. In the Teacher app, open the Gradebook.
  2. Open the Tools menu and select Sync grades settings.
  1. On the Grading categories card, align the Buzz categories on the left to the SIS categories in the dropdown menu.
  2. On the Grading periods card, align the Buzz periods on the left to the SIS periods in the dropdown menu.
  3. Save.

Note: There are some things to keep in mind as you align Grading categories and Grading periods:

  • If the course has only one Grading period, and your administrator has enabled automatic grade syncing, then grades can be automatically sent without mapping the Buzz periods.
  • If activities aren't assigned due dates, Buzz automatically uses the Grading period End date as the due date.
  • If you are working in a Base course, you are able to align only Grading categories.

2. Sync grades to SIS

Note: If your administrator has enabled it in SIS sync settings, grades can be automatically synced for each student as soon as an activity has been graded or a new grade is submitted. You can, however, still manually review and manage syncs, yourself.

Teachers can sync grades at any time.

  1. In the Teacher app, open the Gradebook.
  2. Open the Tools menu and select Sync grades to SIS.
  1. The window that opens shows you all of the activities that can be synced. You can filter by Folder, Category, or to see all activities that are Not synced.
  2. Check the boxes next to any activity that you want to sync.
  3. Click the Sync activities button at the bottom of the screen, and Buzz:
    • Syncs the activities.
    • Returns any errors.
    • Updates the Sync date and Status fields to reflect the most recent sync for each activity.

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