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How do I print assessments for students to complete?

  • Updated:

Buzz makes it easy to print and track unique assessments for students.

There are many reasons you may want to allow students to complete an assessment using paper, including meeting specific Accommodations like an Individualized Education Program (IEP) aligned with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

With some systems, printing an assessment means losing the ability to track student attempts, randomize questions, and take advantage of automated test analytics that an LMS provides.

Buzz allows you to print assessments for students with unique tracking numbers, so you don't lose these benefits when transitioning to paper.

Grade printed assessments

To grade printed assessments when they are returned:

  1. Open the Performance/Gradebook tool from the Main Menu.
  2. Select the assessment you want to grade.
  1. Open the Tools menu [wrench icon] and select Enter printed-assessment answers.
Grade printed assessments
  1. Select the student you want to grade for and their assessment opens.
  2. Review the assessment to make sure the version number is correct, and enter the answers from the printed assessment into the appropriate fields.
  3. Click Submit, Buzz automatically grades the assessment, and a checkmark appears next to the student (if there is no printed assessment for a student, a checkmark automatically appears).

Additional articles


  • As with assessments completed in Buzz, you must grade and score essay questions as part of the grading process.
  • You can also allow students to print their own assessment while taking them in the Advanced assessment options section of the assessment activity editor.

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