Vary settings (due dates, grade weights, etc) between groups.
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Once your groups are created, you can configure activity settings to meet each group's specific needs and to establish group-driven staggered schedules.
Specify groups in the activity editor
The activity editors for folders and activities can be easily filtered by Group. By default, it is set to All groups; if you want to create group-specific settings, select the group from that dropdown, and configure your settings.
Review group-specific settings
When you create a due date or grade visibility date using the All groups option, these dates appear on the Scheduling tab of the Editor tool; however, group-specific settings can only be reviewed using the activity editor and the Group Settings tab of the Editor tool.
With the Group Settings tab, you can:
- Filter the displayed folders and activities by Grouping or Folder.
- Filter the displayed group set with View By to show:
- Property, which allows you to organize by Visibility or Due Date in the second dropdown.
- Activity, which allows you to organize using folders in your Syllabus in the second dropdown.
- Group, which allows you to organize by groups within the chosen group set in the second dropdown.
- Use the Property dropdown to choose to see
- Visibility settings; when selected, you can toggle them in the table.
- Due dates; when selected, you can modify them in the table.
- Select a folder or activity to see it's Properties and use the side menus to Edit, Preview, or Delete folders and activities.