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The Multi-Outcome Scoring gradebook allows course authors to create multiple desired outcomes for students, align them to activities with varied weights, and track performance against them.
How does Multi-Outcome Scoring impact the Grade Editor and Activity Grader?
Automatically-graded activities
Automatically-graded activities (Assessments and Practice Questions) can only be aligned with one scoring objective. The Grade Editor and Activity Grader student screen show that objective.
- The Score field shows the overall score as a percentage.
- The Objective score section shows the student's earned points over their points possible for the objective.
Manually-graded activities
For manually-graded activities, the Grade Editor and Activity Grader student screen allow you to provide a score for each aligned objective.
To excuse students from individual scoringobjectives on a particular assignment, enter an X in the field and it won't be factored into the activity's score.
Score/Activity History
The Score/Activity History in the Grade Editor and Activity Grader student screen shows grades for all objectives, rather than just showing one, overall score.
Activity Grader tab
The Activity Grader tab allows you to view and edit all students' grades for an activity on one screen.
- For auto-graded activities, like Assessments, this means entering a percentage score for the entire activity. Auto-graded activities can only be aligned with one scoring objective.
- For manually-graded activity, you can enter a score for each objective.
How does Multi-Outcome Scoring impact the Performance/Gradebook tool?
Enabling Multi-Outcome Scoring in a course changes the available screens in the Performance/Gradebook tool (and disabling it changes them back):
- Courses without Multi-Outcome Scoring enabled use the Gradebook/Grades tab.
Multi-Outcome Scoring courses use Dashboard, Students, and Activities screens instead of the Gradebook/Grades tab:
- Dashboard displays course-wide performance on objectives.
- Students displays individual student performance on objectives; you can click a student's name to see individual information.
- Activities displays individual student performance on each activity as aligned with objectives; you can click an activity to open the Activity Grader.
- If you set up multiple grading periods in a course, the period weights do not determine relative impact on the final grade like they do with a non Multi-Outcome Scoring course. Learn more.
How does Multi-Outcome Scoring impact the People tool?
With Multi-Outcome Scoring enabled, the score column in the People tool displays performance for each objective.