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How do I align activities with Multi-outcome scoring objectives?

  • Updated:

Align outcomes using the Editor

Once Multi-Outcome Scoring is enabled in your domain and your course, you can start aligning activities with the specified objectives.

  1. Open the Editor using the Main Menu.
  2. Create or select the activity for which you want to align objectives.
  3. Click the pencil (edit) icon and select the Settings tab.
  4. Enter the possible points for each of the desired objectives in the fields next to them; if you don't assign points, the activity will not be graded according to that objective.
  5. Save.
Align outcomes using the Editor

Auto-graded activities, like assessments and practice questions, can only be aligned with one objective, so you must choose it from a dropdown menu.

Review the Syllabus > Objectives tab to see which objectives have been aligned

With the Objectives tab, you can:

  1. Filter the displayed objectives.
  2. Review the number of gradable and non-gradable activities are aligned with each displayed objective.
  3. Quickly identify objectives that aren't aligned with any activities by looking for a red square in the bottom, left corner of objective's row. When objectives have been aligned with activities, the square is colored to match your chosen theme.

Align objectives using the Clipboard

You can also align gradable Clipboard activities with objectives.

  1. Add students to the Clipboard.
  2. Choose an activity type under Add an Activity.
  3. Check the Gradable box under the activity title; click the pencil (edit) icon to change the activity title.
  4. Click Edit and Assign.
Align objectives using the Clipboard
  1. Assign points to the desired objectives. If you don't assign points, the activity will not be graded according to that objective. Auto-graded activities, like assessments and practice questions, can only be aligned with one objective (see Tips below).
  2. Click Assign to save.

Auto-graded activities, like assessments and practice questions, can only be aligned with one objective, so you must choose it from a dropdown menu.

Additional articles


  • Only your system admin can enable Multi-Outcome Scoring for your domain.
  • If you use the Clipboard to assign an activity to one student from a multi-outcome scoring course and one student from a traditional course, Buzz prompts you to complete the Gradebook Settings window for each individually.

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