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How do I create and manage grade scales?

  • Updated:

Create pass/fail, plus/minus, straight letter grade, and other grade scales to use for course and objective scoring.

Create and edit grade scales

To create your own grade scale or edit existing scales:

  1. Open the Editor tool.
  2. Select Course settings from Tools in the toolbar.
  1. Under Grade scales:
    • Select an existing scale if you want to edit it.
    • Click Add grade scale if you want to create a new one.
  2. With the grade scale editor, you are asked to:
    • Name the grade scale.
    • Choose the Type of scoring you want to use (Points, Percent (%), Percentile (class rank), or Distribution).
    • Name each possible grade (P and F in the example) and define the minimum score a student must earn to receive each (70 for P in example). Click Add bracket to create additional rows.
  3. Click Done to save and your new or edited grade scale appears in the Course grade scale and Objective grade scale dropdown menus.
  4. Save.
Create and edit grade scales

Select a course-wide grade scale

  1. Open the Editor tool.
  2. Select Course settings from Tools in the toolbar.
  1. The Gradebook options and Objective mastery cards include Grade Scale dropdown menus where you can choose the desired scale for each; all of the available grade scales appear as options.
  2. Save.
Select a course-wide grade scale

Select a grade scale for one activity

At times, you may want to change the grade scale for one specific activity without impacting the course-wide grade scale. To do so:  

  1. Navigate to the Editor using the Main Menu.
  2. Select the assignment and click the pencil (edit) icon.
Select a grade scale for one activity
  1. On the Gradebook settings card of the Settings tab, choose Letter grade from the Score entry dropdown.
  2. Open the Grade scale dropdown that appears below Score entry and select the desired grade scale. The Grade scale dropdown only works when Letter grade is selected in the Score entry dropdown.
  3. Save.

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