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How do I manage and submit final grades?

  • Updated:

Use the Final Grades screen to review and adjust calculated grades, create and apply additional grading schemes, close enrollments, and submit final grades.

Open the Final Grades screen

  1. Open the Gradebook tool from the Main Menu and select the desired course.
  2. Review the grades you've entered to ensure they're ready for submission.
  3. Click the tools icon in the toolbar and select Go to final grades.
Open the Final Grades screen

Manage and submit final grades

On the Final Grades screen you can:

  1. Use Display options to specify what data you want displayed in the columns and use Grading Schemes to create new and edit existing grading models.
  2. Filter the results by Period or Group. "Periods" are defined by date ranges within a course for which you can provide final grades; this allows you to divide grades by date ranges without building additional courses. If you filter by Period and submit, you are only submitting final grades for that date range. (How do I create multiple grading periods within one course?)
  3. Use Submit Selected to save the displayed grades as final and submit them to any integrated SIS or other system for all checked students in the list.
  4. Use Mark Enrollments Complete to end enrollments for all checked students in the list. Doing this removes the course from students' active enrollments, so they won't see it in their Course Chooser or on their Home page; they can access it under previous courses in the Activities tool.
  5. Indicate how to handle unscored activities by choosing Zero Unscored Activities or Ignore Unscored Activities.
  6. Indicate which grading schemes you want used in determining final grades. For each student, Buzz takes the highest grade from among all of the checked grading schemes.
  7. Modify the Grade to Submit for each student without impacting the calculations by clicking it.

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