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How do I create and/or import objectives/standards?

  • Updated:

Create course-specific objectives/standards or import objectives/standards from the domain.

Buzz lets you create your own course-specific objectives/standards and/or import objectives/standards using those that have been added at the domain level. Once imported or created, you can align them with activities to specify course objectives/standards and support competency-based learning models.

Import existing objectives/standards

Navigate to the Editor using the Main Menu, and:

  1. Expand the left panel using the arrow at the bottom.
  2. Select the Target [Objectives/Standards] tab.
  3. Click the List [Course objectives/standards] icon in the bottom, left corner.
  1. Click Import standards.
  1. Search for the standards you want from existing objectives/standards in your domain.
    • For example, you might want to specify location, grade, and subject for a list of available Common Core standards. The screenshot shows objectives/standards for Arizona, Grade 3, and Math.
  2. Click the boxes for the objectives/standards you want to import.
  3. Click Import selected standards.

Parent and child objectives/standards

Some objectives/standards include child objectives/standards nested within them:

  1. Click the arrow next to the parent objectives/standards to show the child objectives/standards nested within them.
  2. Check the parent objective/standard box to select all of the child objectives/standards within it (this doesn't include the parent).
  3. To include the parent objective/standard, click the slide toggle next to it.
  4. If you want only some of the child objectives/standards to be included, check the boxes next to those you want.
  5. Review the number of objectives/standards you have selected at the bottom of the screen. In this example, there are three included:
    • 3.G.A which is a parent standard, and is included because its slide toggle is enabled.
    • 3.G.A.1 a child standard that is included because its box is checked.
    • 3.G.A.2 a child standard that is included because its box is checked.
    • Notice that, even though the S2776451 standard's box is checked, it is not included because its slide toggle is not enabled.

Note: Once objectives/standards are imported into a course, the parent/child hierarchy is removed and they are all treated as individual objectives/standards.

Create objectives/standards

Navigate to the Editor using the Main Menu, and:

  1. Expand the left panel using the arrow at the bottom.
  2. Select the Target [Objectives/Standards] tab.
  3. Click the List [Course objectives/standards] icon in the bottom, left corner.
  1. Open the More menu and click Add objective/standard. Buzz asks you to confirm that you are not intending to import an existing objective/standard; click Manually add an objective/standard.
  1. Provide an ID for the objective/standard and create it.
  2. Click Done.


  • Previously, the course-specific objectives created using Add appeared only in the students' Objective Mastery screens. As of January 2016, both imported objectives and objectives created in the course appear in:
    • Mastery Reports
    • The Performance tool's Mastery screen
    • Each student's Objective Mastery screen

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