
How do I review my students' progress on mastering objectives?

  • Updated:

Review classwide and individual progress on objectives to ensure your students are on track.

Effectively determining objective mastery depends on various factors: identifying and articulating the correct objectives, creating activities that effectively teach to those objectives, aligning the objectives to those activities, and establishing appropriate performance standards that students need to meet to show mastery.

With these factors in place, Buzz uses them to indicate how well students progressing in mastering objectives as a class and as individuals.

Note: These screens do not appear if you have not defined objectives for the course. Contact your system admin if you should have access to them, but they don't appear.

Review classwide progress

For a summary of the entire class' progress on mastering objectives, open the Gradebook tool and click Mastery.

This screen lists all objectives that are aligned with the selected course's activities, and shows how the class is performing on each as a whole:

  • Mastered shows the number of students who have scored, on average, above the objective mastery threshold on all graded activities that are aligned with the listed objective.
  • Not Mastered shows the number of students who have scored, on average, below the objective mastery threshold on all graded activities that are aligned with the listed objective.
  • No Attempt shows the number of students who have yet to receive a score on any of the activities aligned with the listed objective.

Hover your mouse over the indicator to see each of these numbers.

Review classwide progress

When you select an objective from this list shown above, Buzz lists the students in the course and indicates:

  • How well each student is performing on the activities aligned with the selected objective. A completely filled status bar would indicate that the student had earned 100% of points possible on those activities.
  • Whether or not the student has reached the objective mastery threshold; green indicates that they have and red, that they haven't. For example, if the threshold were set at 70%, a student's status bar would change from red to green, once they earned 70% of the points possible for that objective.

Review individual progress

To see summaries for individual students:

  1. Open Gradebook using the Main Menu.
  2. Select the student.
  3. Click Objective Mastery.

This screen reflects what students see when they check their Objective Mastery. It lists all objectives that are aligned with the selected course's activities, and shows how close the student is to mastering each. Perfect (100%) mastery is achieved by reaching the objective mastery threshold. So, if the threshold is set at 70%, the status bars shown here would show 100% once a student had earned 70% of the points possible for that objective.

Review individual progress


  • Previously, objectives created within a course appeared only in the students' Objective Mastery screens. As of January 2016, both imported objectives and objectives created in the course appear in:
    • Mastery Reports
    • The Performance tool's Mastery screen
    • Each student's Objective Mastery screen

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