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How do I vary attempt limits by question?

  • Updated:

Use question groups to apply different attempt limits to questions in the same practice questions activity.

Create question groups

To vary attempt limits between questions in the same practice questions activity:

  1. Create a practice questions activity using the Editor or select an existing practice questions activity and click the pencil (edit) icon.
  2. Select the Settings tab.
  3. In the Questions-group settings card:
    • Click Default to review and configure the settings you want applied to all questions in this activity by default.
    • Click Add question group dropdown to create settings for a different group.  
Create question groups
  1. Give the new question group a name (e.g., limit-attempt) and click OK and configure the settings you want associated with this specific question group and click Done. Question-group details include:
    • A Time limit in minutes.
    • Number of attempts allowed.
    • The Attempt minimum required.
    • The ability to Combine all questions in this group into one problem for the student.
    • The Scored attempt you want recorded (Last, First, Highest, or Average).
    • When you want the following review settings to be available: Question results, Student answers, Question score, Correct questions, Correct choices, and Feedback. The options for each are:
      • Always
      • Never
      • After minimum attempt
      • When answered correctly
      • After due date
      • After score visibility date
  2. Save.

Assign questions to groups

All questions in a practice questions activity are assigned to the default question group unless you specify otherwise. To assign a question to a group:

  1. Create a practice questions activity using the Editor or select an existing practice questions activity and click the pencil (edit) icon.
  2. Open the Questions tab and select the question you want.
  3. Enter the group name in the Groups field on the Metadata card.
  4. Save.
Assign questions to groups

Additional articles


  • Use the question groups dropdown in Practice Questions Settings to switch between groups.
  • If you want all questions in a new group to appear together, check the Combine all questions in this group into one problem box in Practice Questions Settings.
  • In assessments, you can use Question Groups to create question pools.

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