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Teacher tool breakdown

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Get to know your toolbox

Teacher Main Menu

From the Home screen Main Menu, you can:

  1. Manage people, activities, content, etc., from all of your courses using the menu items in the top section.
  2. Open any of your courses to manage them.
  3. Access Help suggestions tailored to the screen you're currently on.

When a course is selected from the menu, the top section compresses, and a course-specific menu expands allowing you to:

  1. Still access global content from the compressed menu.
  2. Navigate back to the original Main Menu.
  3. Open the Activities, Gradebook, Reports, People, or Editor tools for the selected course.

Teacher tools for all courses

From the top section of your Main Menu, access the following tools:

  • Home: Home is Buzz's landing page and starting point for navigating the app. It displays current announcements for all courses, the To-do List for all courses, and Course Cards. This tool gives you a good overview of what's happening in all of your current courses.
  • Needs grading: The Needs grading screen lists all of the activities that need grading from all of your courses.
  • Communication: Use Communication to post announcements that appear above the To-do List and compose and send messages to individuals and groups.  
  • Calendar: The Calendar displays due date notifications. Select a date or view for a list of activities.
  • People: The People tool provides at-a-glance access to various student data points in one simple table. Use it to track student progress, create and manage groups, send mail, and invite, add, or drop students.
  • Clipboard: Use the Clipboard to quickly provide personalized attention to individuals and groups of students. It is always available in the toolbar for ease of use, and you can assign activities, award badges, assign tasks, and message students quickly and easily.

Teacher tools for individual courses

With a course selected from the bottom section of your Main Menu, access the following tools:

  • Activities: Open Activities for access to what your students see when they visit your Course Home and to review/test activities. You can also add and/or edit the landing page content students see on visiting the Course Home.
  • Gradebook: The Gradebook tool enables you to record and review student progress in many areas. You can review and enter grades with the Grades tab, review your students' objective mastery with Mastery, review student progress in the course with Unit Summary, and access students' personalized activities using For Me.
  • Reports: In Reports you can run Gradebook, Student, and Mastery Reports for your courses. These reports provide high-level perspectives on student performance and course effectiveness.
  • People: The People tool provides at-a-glance access to various student data points in one simple table. Use it to track student progress, create and manage groups, send mail, and invite, add, or drop students. When opened with a particular course selected, you only see the data for students in that course.
  • Editor: The Editor is your centralized content authoring, editing, and management tool. From this tool, you can access the Syllabus, Projects, Weights, Activity List, Scheduling, and Group Settings screens.

Take advantage of these tools to encourage students to take ownership of their education, foster greater teacher-student communication, and facilitate various education models.


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