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How do I add and drop students and other users?

  • Updated:

Use the People tool to manage student, teacher, teaching assistant, and other user enrollments in a course

To add a user

  1. Open the People tool for the course you want to work with.
  2. Click Tools in the toolbar.
  3. Select Manage enrollments.
    • If you don't see this in the toolbar, you don't have sufficient permissions.
    • If the course has a Base Course, Buzz lets you choose to make changes to either the Base or to the course you're working in. Enrollments are not inherited from Base Courses.
  1. Click Add [plus sign] in the toolbar.
  1. If there are multiple roles available in the course, use the dropdown to indicate which role permissions you want this user to have.
  2. Search to find a user that is already in Buzz or click Create a new user; if you don't see the Create a new user button, you dont' have sufficient permissions. When creating a new user, you are asked to provide:
    • The first and last name (required).
    • A username (required).
    • A password (required).
    • An external ID.
    • An email address.
  3. Click Enroll once you've found or created the user.

To drop a user

  1. Open the People tool for the course you want to work with.
  2. Click Tools in the toolbar.
  3. Select Manage enrollments.
    • If you don't see this in the toolbar, you don't have sufficient permissions.
    • If the course has a Base Course, Buzz lets you choose to make changes to either the Base or to the course you're working in. Enrollments are not inherited from Base Courses.
  1. Find the user(s) you want to drop and check the box next to their name(s).
  2. Click Drop [garbage can] in the toolbar.
To drop a user


  • Easily Invite Students to join your course!
  • If you don't see Enrollments in your toolbar or the Create a new user button in the Add Enrollments window, but should have one or both of these permissions, contact your system administrator.

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