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How do I manage Due dates, Visibility dates, and Score release dates (Scheduling tab)?

  • Updated:

The Editor > Scheduling tab gives you one screen where you create and manage activity Due dates, Visibility dates, and Score release dates for all of the activities in your course. These dates are also created and managed within each individual activity's editor.

The main Scheduling components include:

  1. The Date type filter, which allows you to choose which type of dates you want displayed for every activity displayed on the screen:
    • Due Date (when the activity is due)
    • Visibility Date (when students are given access to the activity)
    • Score Release Date (when students can see submitted scores for the activity)
  2. The Calendar month view, which displays activities on their Due date, Visibility date, or Score release date, depending on which Date type is selected.
    • In this example, Due date is selected, so any activity with a due date is shown on their due date.
  3. The Calendar date view, which displays the activities associated with the date you've selected in the calendar.
    • In this example, Due date and August 6 are selected, so all activities with an August 6 due date are shown.
  4. The collapsible Activity panel, which lists all activities for the course. Use the toggle at the top to change between views:
    • Syllabus View shows the folder structure and orders folders and activities according to the order created in the Syllabus tab.  
    • List View lists folders and activities in alphabetical order and doesn't include the folder structure. In this view, you can filter to Show All items or only Unscheduled items.
  5. The collapsible Activity details panel, which displays activity properties for an activity that you select in the Activity panel or Calendar date view.

To manage dates:

  1. Select the Date type you want to manage.
  2. Drag and drop activities from the Activity panel to the calendar or between dates on the calendar to assign the date.
  3. Use an activity's Actions menu in the Calendar date view to remove the assigned date. You can also Edit, Preview, or Delete an activity from this menu.

Other ways to manage dates

  • Due Dates can also be managed in the activity editor with the Activity settings > Due date and time setting.
  • Visibility Dates can also be managed in the activity editor with the Visibility and access > Block access until a specified date setting.
  • Score Release Dates can also be managed in the activity editor with the Advanced gradebook options > Hide submitted scores from students until the score release date setting.
  • Due dates and Visibility dates can be modified for multiple activities at once using Bulk edit.

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