
Practice questions activity editor

  • Updated:

Practice questions are gradable, question-based activities that use questions you create and/or link question banks.

This activity type is similar to assessments, but, unlike assessments, students can submit, review, and retake each question at a time.

For instant feedback, this activity should only contain automatically-graded questions.

Editor overview

Add this activity to your course.

With the activity editor:

  1. Use the Filter by group icon to make and/or review activity settings that apply only to specific groups.
    • Note: This only appears if your course has students in Groups.
  2. Preview the activity.
  3. Save changes.
  4. Depending on the type of activity you're editing, the Activity Editor can include up to four tabbed screens:
    • Use the Activity screen to add/edit basic content that, information, and metadata about an activity that is visible/accessible to the students (e.g., activity titles, thumbnail images, introductory content, instructions, attachments students need to complete the activity).
    • Use the Settings screen to configure the way you want the activity to work for the students (e.g., gradebook settings, objective mastery and badge details, visibility, access).
    • The Questions screen only appears for Assessment and Practice Question (formerly Homework) activity types. Use it to create and manage questions.
    • The History screen only appears when changes have been made to an activity since its creation. Use it to review changes and restore previous versions of the activity's content.

Some cards in the Activity Editors are collapsed by default; to expand them, click the arrows.

Activity tab

Use the Activity tab to:

  1. Provide the assessment Title.
  2. If you've set up Activity themes in your course, you can apply one with the Themes dropdown.
  3. Provide a Thumbnail image to represent the activity by clicking the plus sign next to the thumbnail.
    • Recommended file type: PNG or JPG (Buzz converts all files into PNGs.)
    • Ideal size: 400px x 400px (Buzz automatically resizes images, so uploading images smaller than 400px x 400px may reduce quality.)
  1. Create descriptive Content about the activity using the rich text editor. This content always appears at the top of the assessment.
  2. Click Add Activity Instructions to open a rich text editor to create instructions.
  1. Click Add attachment to provide files for students to review before starting the assessment.
  2. Make Calculator (basic, standard, scientific), Protractor, and/or Ruler (6 inch, 12 inch, 15 centimeter, 30 centimeter) tools available to students while they complete the assessment. These can also be specified for individual questions in the question editor.
  3. Click Add under Companion Material to add resources that students can reference while they're taking the assessment. You can only use PDF files here (you can easily convert documents and images to pdfs on PCs and Macs).

Settings tab

Note: Some settings can be altered for multiple activities at once using Bulk edit.

Activity settings

If you choose to set a Due date (not available for continuous courses), you can specify:

  1. The Due date and time.
  2. Whether you want to Allow late submissions, and, if so, what the Late rule and Grace period rules are.
  3. The allowed Number of attempts a student can complete for that assessment.
  4. The total Questions per page you want your students to see.
  5. Whether you want to:
    • Allow save and continue for the assessment. Meaning students can start an assessment, save it, and return to it later. Without activating this option, students must finish and submit an assessment once they've started it.
    • Require answers for submission. Meaning students are only allowed to submit the assessment after answering all of the questions. If not enabled, students are notified that they haven't answered all questions when trying to submit an incomplete assessment, but can still submit.
    • Randomize question order.
    • Randomize response order.

Gradebook and submission

If you choose to make the activity Gradable, you can specify:

  1. The activity's numeric Weight in category; this number defines how much impact this activity's grade has on the final grade, relative to the other gradable activities in the same category. (Weight in category is not available in courses using Multi-Outcome Scoring.)
  2. The desired Score type (Points, Rubric, Percent (%), or Letter grade):  
    • If you choose Rubric, click Add rubric to define it (not available for all assessments).
    • If you choose Letter grade, a field appears where you can select the desired Grade scale.
  3. The Grading category you want the activity to be a part of. Grading Categories allow you to apply different grade settings to groups of activities within the same course.
  4. The grading Period you want the activity to be a part of. Separate grading Periods allow you to divide grades by date range without building additional courses in Buzz.
  5. Whether you want the activity to be considered Extra credit.

In Multi-Outcome Scoring courses, Gradebook and submission allows you to align activities with Scoring objectives and requires you to use Points as the Score entry. Auto-graded activities, like assessments and practice questions, can be aligned with only one scoring objective, so you must choose it from a dropdown menu and then assign the desired number of Pts possible for that objective.

Objective mastery

Visibility and access

With Visibility and access settings, you can choose to:  

  1. Make the activity Visible to:
    • Students, teachers and observers: This is the default setting for activities intended for students to complete.
    • Teachers and observers: This setting works well for Lesson Guide materials that observers like parents, mentors, etc. need access to. A map icon appears next to these activities in the Activities pages for teachers and observers.
    • Teachers only: This setting works well for Lesson Guide materials that only teachers need. A map icon appears next to these activities in the teacher Activities page.
  2. Check the Hide from student's table of contents and to-do list box. Note that it is still accessible with course links and bookmarks unless otherwise restricted.
  3. Check the Block access until student completes other activity box.
    • If it appears, you can check the Require passing score if gradable for mastery (optional).
    • Click Choose Activity, and select the activity or activities that you want to make access dependent on.
  4. Check the Block access until student masters objective(s) box, click Choose Objective, and select the objective(s) you want to make access dependent on.
  5. Check the Block access until a specified date box and enter the desired date and time.
  6. Check the Student must enter a password box, and enter the desired Activity password in the field. This is different from assessment-specific passwords, which must be entered each time a student attempts the assessment and are managed in the Advanced assessment options card.
    • By default students must enter this password only once, and can access the activity without entering the password thereafter.
    • If you want, you can check the Require password each visit to override the default.
    • Note: Students can be excused from this setting for a specified amount of time by an administrator as part of their Accommodations. Overriding this setting for a student can be useful in a situation where passwords are provided during class, but a student is unable to attend for a period of time.


Click Choose Badge to select one or more badges that you want automatically awarded to students who successfully complete this activity.

Learn more:


Admins can create custom Metadata fields for activities in their domain. This content is only visible to teachers, course authors, etc. and provides further insight into an activity, such as:

  • An activity Description for course authors.
  • An idea of how this activity fits into the goal of the course or the Big Picture.
  • Essential Questions that should be answered by the activity or that students should keep in mind as they complete it.
  • Any relevant Vocabulary.
  • Associated Resources.

Some of the fields under Metadata ask for content that, if set up by your system admin, can be used to make an activity searchable in the Digital Library. Contact your system admin to find out if there are fields in your domain that can be used this way.

Question-group settings

Practice question activities allow you assign different requirement and review settings to questions within the same activity (for example, you may want to assign a time limit to essay questions, but leave multiple choice questions without one).

To do so, you:

  1. Click Add Question Group.
  2. Configure the settings you want.
  3. Assign the desired questions to the Question Group you configured.

You can assign questions to a group in the question editor Metadata.

If you don't create groups, all questions are automatically included in the Default group which you can click to review and edit.

Question-group settings include:

  • A Question group name.
  • A Time limit in minutes.
  • Number of attempts allowed.
  • The Attempt minimum required.
  • The ability to Combine all questions in this group into one problem for the student.
  • The Scored attempt you want recorded (Last, First, Highest, or Average).
  • When you want the following review settings to be available: Question results, Student answers, Question score, Correct questions, Correct choices, and Feedback. The options for each are:

Advanced gradebook options

This card appears only if the activity is set to Gradable.

Manage Advanced gradebook options, like:

  1. Whether you want to Hide submitted scores from students until the score release date, and, if so, providing the Score release date and time.
  2. Defining the minimum Passing score (%).
  3. Whether:
    • The assessment's Score can be dropped from calculated course score (unavailable if the activity is marked as Extra Credit in Gradebook and submission).
    • To Include this activity's score in the final grade calculation.
    • To Require a passing score for course credit.
    • To Treat as zero in gradebook until this activity is scored (unavailable if the activity is marked as Extra Credit in Gradebook and submission).  

Advanced activity options

Manage Advanced activity options, like:

  1. Completion requirements. You can set the activity to Mark as completed when the student:
    • Submits this activity
    • Receives any score
    • Receives a passing score
  2. If the Student must complete this activity before continuing to the next one.
  3. Changing the activity's folder Location using the dropdown.
  4. Giving the activity a new Activity ID in the field.

Questions tab

History tab

The History tab records changes made to the assessment and allows you to retrieve previous versions of the questions, content, and rubrics:

  1. Click the version you want to restore.
  2. Preview the content.
  3. Click Restore.

Buzz does not itemize changes to all settings, but does track them. Users can access them by clicking the Details link that appears at the bottom of the history table.


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