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Coach with Dawn

How do I review submissions (projects, questionnaires, etc.)?

  • Updated:

When creating catalog entries, authors have the option of requiring coaches to review submissions. This option is currently available for projects and questionnaires, and coaches can access submissions by:

  1. Opening the Coaching tool.
  2. Clicking Submissions to review for the catalog entry.
  1. Clicking on the submission you want to review.

Or by drilling into learner data through the Coaching > Enrollments and Coaching > Learners screens.

Review project submissions

When Coaches (and peers) review a project, Review criteria can be listed with checkboxes (if created by the author). A checked box means the criterion was met, and impacts the Total star review.

Select a project to review and:

  1. Click Submit a review.
  2. Review the submission.
  3. Complete Review criteria (if provided). If no criterion are provided, you can check the number of stars the learner earned.
  4. Provide written feedback and attach a file and/or link if needed.
  5. Click Submit review to deliver the feedback to the learner.

Review questionnaire submissions

To review questionnaire submissions:

  1. Access the questionnaire through the Coaching > Submissions to review screen or through drilling into learner data through the Coaching > Enrollments and Coaching > Learners screens (shown above).
  2. Click Submit a review.
  3. Provide Optional feedback (which is public by default; check the Post as private message to keep between you and the learner). Click Attach file and/or Attach link if relevant, and check the Send a copy via email or text if desired.
  4. Provide Coach notes (private) and click Attach file and/or Attach link if relevant.
  5. Mark as reviewed or Mark as incomplete.

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