Buzz API

brainhoney equation image processing disabled

Implemented feature idea or fixed bug
DCE Computer Ops
we have been using the brainhoney equation image utility at that recently has become unavailable (all requests get forwarded to Is there a replacement service for this, or can it be re-enabled for a short while so we can implement changes to our integration?

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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

Hey DCE Computer Ops, your authoring team must've hardcoded usage of this tool because our system now uses MathJax (which supports MathML) to render equations. If the questions were to have been authored in BrainHoney using native tools, the transition to Buzz would have supported those equations but with MathJax.

I have re-enabled this service temporarily for your team to update your courses to a new equation engine.

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DCE Computer Ops

Thanks very much for working with us on this. 

Separate question: can we be on a mailing list of release notes? It would be nice for us to be more proactive on these types of things.

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Brian Williams
  • Agilix team member


You may select the "follow" button in the What's New page of the Help Center to be emailed about system changes.

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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

Brian is right for receiving updates for Buzz and our other products. However, BrainHoney is retired and has been for a couple of years. Any service that is dependent upon BrainHoney should be updated ASAP as different parts of BrainHoney's services will be disabled over time, as much of it has been already.

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DCE Computer Ops

We have removed the references to the BrainHoney service from our integration.  Thank you for restoring it for us while we completed this effort.

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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

Awesome, DCE Computer Ops! Thank you for letting us know!

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