Where are the special codes for DateTimes documented? For example T12:00:00.0Z would match noon in any time zone while adding one tenth of a second, T12:00:00.1Z, would match the local time zone relative to noon in UTC.
Comments (8)
Hi Michael!
I am providing you with a link to our API document Item Data which contains the attribute "attributedata . duedate" which goes into more detail on this function you mentioned.
Is there anything more I can do for you?
Thank you, Brian. I knew it was out there somewhere but, didn't see it under Item Data earlier today.The T23:59:00.0Z was my guess but, wanted to confirm.
Correct me if I'm wrong but, I thought there were three categories. Was I wrong in my presumption above that you can specify Noon or 5:00PM in the local time zone?
FYI - The course cards are not providing the proper math for end time. Enrollment 123040725 ends at 2019-12-19T23:59:00Z but, the course card displays the time zone adjusted time.
You can specify a specific time in UTC through the API. However, the course card time is taking into account the change in daylight savings ending in November. The enrollment end-date overlaps that event.
The issue is that time zones and DST (which is time zone specific) should not be a factor in this specific case. GetEnrollment3 shows "enddate":"2019-12-19T23:59:00Z". That means it is supposed to be 11:59 PM, regardless of time zone. The Course Card should reflect that too.
Hey Michael, the end of day datetime feature is only for activity due dates, not enrollment or course start/end dates.
Well, put me on a list of those who think that is silly. ;-)
The problem here started with students not realizing that the course ended first thing in the morning on the end date. (aka: 12:00 am) Teachers started adding an arbitrary extra day to the end date and the integration programmers added another arbitrary day to the end date. Now, ending at 3:59 pm EST seems even more arbitrary. Granted, we used to used Brainhoney here, which never showed the time of day. Now that it's on the course card, there is a whole new dynamic. It would technically create a gap where the final exam is not due until after the enrollment ends and therefore, prevents the student from taking the final.
Setting due dates to student time zones sounds like a pretty sweet feature. Is this something that could be added as a domain-level switch? Even if it was just available at the assignment level via the UI (instead of API), that would be fantastic.