When I'm in the gradebook with a filter applied, it would be fantastic if that filter setting was retained when I clicked into the Activity Editor too. This worked that way in the previous version and it was a really useful tool that saved several clicks.
Comments (5)
The return of this feature would be most appreciated by lots of teachers (and it should make the screen load faster too).
Could you clarify what steps you are taking to encounter this behavior? I navigated to the gradebook page, selected the group filter option, selected a specific group to filter by from the menu. I then navigated to the activities page and then back to the gradebook page, it did retain the group selection. I then tried to open the activity editor and navigated back to the gradebook page and it retained the drop-down menu.
Set the filter on the gradebook page and then click on the activity grader (the name of the assignment at the top of the column). You’ll see that the filter does not carry over there. That’s what we want.
Does that make more sense?
I see this now! This will require an enhancement to the system which I filed.
Good news! We have added this functionality! This will be present in this week's release 8/30/18.