Buzz API

"To-Do" List Confusing for Students

Shannon Dillman

Can teachers hide the to-do list from the student view in a course?  My students see the "to-do" list and only click on that item which means they do not read the lesson material that precedes the assignment.  I know that you can collapse and expand the list, but I would like to know if I can "turn it off" basically for every student.

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Scott Taylor

There is not currently a setting to disable the To-do list for students. One thing that can be done in this scenario is require completing/reading the lesson material before the assignment is allowed to be accessed. This can be done in the navigation settings of the lesson material by selecting "Student must complete before continuing".

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NorthStar Academy: Kristi Velasquez

Hi Shannon,

This has been a big problem for our school, too. Kids correlate the 'to do list' with a 'feed' type setting that they are so familiar with via facebook, etc. and think that is the whole enchilada. We are spending a ton of time redirecting them to actual lessons within our courses.

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Janean Ranis

Huge issue for us too... 


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Varshini G

Yes, this is getting quite confusing for our students too. So much that they are requesting to move back to Brainhoney! Brainhoney has a clear display of the content. It would be nice to have an option to turn it off!

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Annette Walaszek

This is an issue for my students, too. Would it be possible to have the Announcements and To-do list always default to collapsed (arrow down) when a student navigates to the homepage or course activities page?


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Julie Baker

Any updates on this? Is there a way to make the to do list disabled, or to add lessons to the to do list?

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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

In the new Activity Player, the To-do List is displayed in its own tab and is not the default tab. This takes the To-do List out of the way and only accessible when needed.

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Elii Chapman

What is the Activity Player- I find the Activity List, but it is not clear what the check boxes to the left accomplish in comparison to the Editor mode for making it visible to the student. In these Distance Learning days, it is the parents that are the most confused by the To-Do list!  I can't tell you how many emails I've had with regard to this issue in the past four days.

Any  step by step directions on how to put that list away would be most appreciated!

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Brian Williams
  • Agilix team member

Hello Eli! 

This is an old thread for the old Buzz UI/activity player that was replaced with the new activity player seen here. The activity player contains the syllabus of activities a student may interact and work as they progress through their course. 

Currently there is not a way to disable the student's to-do list. However, we do welcome feedback on improving the feature.

Is there any specific examples or concerns you have from parents about this feature you wish to expound on? 


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Courtney Vail

Brian, I would also like to request student to-do list have a disable feature. One week in and have students failing everything because they are going straight to the to-do list and completing assessments like they are surveys, without first going through the lessons.

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Bruce Sharp

Hi Courtney,

I don't know how your course is structured, but let's say you had a 5 minute video for your students to watch with an assignment to complete afterwards. One thing you could to is go to the settings for the video in Buzz and adjust the requirements for Buzz to consider the video "complete." If the video is 5 minutes you could set it to mark complete when student views activity for 5 minutes.


Next, go to your assignment settings and check the option to block access until student completes other activity. Then choose the video. Now the students won't have access to the assignment unless the video has been open for 5 minutes.

Additionally, in the assignment settings you can set the percent score required for passing. Then set mark as complete when student receives a passing grade. Now go to the next assignment and check the option to block access until student completes other activity. Choose the previous assignment where you set the passing score requirement. Now students can't move on to the next assignment until they have passed the previous assignment.

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Julie Baker

We concur; our students very much only look at the to do list and not the lessons.

Then, if a teacher grades it, it drops off the to do list even if the student hasn't completed it. Then they are totally surprised when they have a lot of zeros. We've tried to train them to view the activities, but we do so by saying "IGNORE THE TO-DO LIST". We would love an ability to hide or disable this feature.

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Jenny Loomis

If you put a due date on the lessons, they will show up on the to do list.

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Bruce Sharp

Julie, one solution for that would be to scroll up and look at where I talk about setting "mark as complete when." You could set mark at complete to some passing score. Then if the teacher grades the assignment and the score is below the threshold you set, the assignment stays on the student's to-do list because it isn't considered complete.

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Please add a disable feature for the to do list. The student to do list causes more confusion than help and now reset assignments go right back to the to do list making it given more frustrating for students. 

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Katie Larson

I'm running into this issue a lot, too!

With this much interest in hiding the students' to-do lists since 2016, I'm surprised Agilix is turning a blind eye to this problem.  Students aren't getting the content they need, and it creates immense frustration for students, parents, and teachers.  

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Yes! This is an ongoing issue. Students go directly to the to-do list and attempt the assignments instead of doing lessons first. It takes a tremendous amount of communication to train students to ignore the to-do list. We shouldn't have to do a bunch of course modification to address this simple, yet major issue. I too wonder why this has not yet been addressed. Why not add the lessons to the to-do? Why not include an on/off feature? Thank you for your consideration. Please address this issue. 

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Kayla Christopherson

This is my number one issue for my students.  Even though I address this in my Welcome email, many students just click into the "To-Do" list instead of clicking into the folders.  The folders contain the lessons which students need to work through first in order to be successful on the graded items.  I try to intervene as soon as possible to set up a virtual meeting with the student to show them where they should be clicking.  I then require the students to go back and begin the course again, allowing for retries on what they completed before I could meet with them.  Students often feel frustrated.  

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Sue Steiner

If you create a To Do List for yourself for the day or week, then those are the projects you are going to focus on for that day.  The students have the mindset that the To Do List contains the tasks they are to complete.  I have had many students doing assignments without going through the lessons this year.  Maybe it should be automatic in the course that the student can't do the assignment until they have gone through the lesson.

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