I'm having some trouble adding images into assessments using the new editor. I can press "New" and choose a file from my computer, or choose an image already in the library, but I can't find a "Submit" or "OK" button to actually add them. I've included a screenshot below to illustrate the issue. Could you guide me on how I can move forward?
Comments (19)
Yeah, we'll look into making this a better workflow. But, as of now, just select the file name. The checkboxes are only for bulk deleting.
For some reason I never thought to click the file name. Thanks for the help! Once the image is placed, is it possible to resize or edit it?
Another workflow improvement: Double-click on the image.
Double-clicking works for resizing images in the curriculum editor, but I can't seem to make it work when I add an image to an assessment question. I'm hoping that I'm missing a step. Thanks for all your support.
Hey Byron, you cannot currently do this in the "Visual" editor. However, if you toggle to the "Text" editor, you can alter it as HTML.
For example, if I have a multiple choice question and insert an image into a choice with the "Visual" editor, it will look something like this when I toggle to "Text" editor.
I can make adjustments to the [Media] tag to edit it as HTML. For example:
Note, that the changed value now has a width attribute which I can change to whatever size I want the image to be displayed at.
Will that auto-change the height proportionally or will that only change the width?
Just changing one value (height or width) will change it proportionally. Changing both can/likely will cause it to be squished.
Sweet. Thank you for clarifying!
With the new update, I'm having troubles editing the question, importing images from previous section and they stay linked and showing in the assessment.
If you are still experiencing troubles please coordinate with your school's authorized support rep to create a ticket for our support agents to assist further.
Hello, I and several other teachers at my school cannot place images in assessment questions. As Byron mentioned in his original post, there are buttons for Upload, Move, and Delete, but no "add" button, or any type of button to actually embed the image.
I see that Brad Marshall said to just select the file name, but this does absolutely nothing. I've duplicated this problem in Firefox and Chrome and on two different computers.
Agilix Team Members, please tell me the secret to embedding images into assessment questions. I consider my self fairly computer literate, but this has me stumped.
Hey, Kelly. There is a known issue where images are unable to be inserted into an assessment question or answer. This particular bug began occurring last Thursday. We have a fix for it and will deploy in this week's release.
In the meantime, you have to insert the image in the "Text" edit view. You insert the image by typing or copy/paste the following block into the question.
Replace "file-name.png" with the actual file name that is displayed in the Insert Image dialogue. Below is a full example of how it could look in the "Text" editor.
I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused and we will get this fixed this week.
An alternative workaround is also to drag-and-drop the image from your computer into the question or answer.
Thanks for the workaround ideas. Copy+Paste from computer doesn't want to work for me though. It tries to navigate away from the page when I do it.
The html code isn't working either. It looks like a broken image link when I try it.
Another teacher discovered something that DID work, however: using Brain Honey. I guess we'll just have to revert to the old-style Brain Honey this week...?
Maybe I didn't communicate well enough what I meant by "copy/paste." I was referring to the code block. However, see the video below to know what I was explaining.
See video:
I ran into the same issue when trying to put in new images this week. Also, on assignments I had already created with images the images no longer show up but rather they showed up as a broken image. Will these images once again show back up after the update this week?
Hey, Carla. That sounds like a separate issue. The problem with inserting is that you could not insert them, but previously added ones were still visible.
I would encourage you to reach out to your support representative so they can further investigate it.
I am a student. When I am taking quizzes, there are questions requiring images. However, the question is like this. How many apples are in the photo? :image provided with permission from Microsoft.
However there is no image. Please help. I am failing my class due to this error.
Hey 111184:
I'm sorry you are experiencing problems with your quizzes! I would highly encourage you to reach out to your teacher or school. Likely they are the ones that created the quiz and can get this resolved faster for you. If you need help identifying these people, please share with me your Buzz user ID and I can get into further contact with you.