Buzz: Product Feedback

Adjust assessment question grading feedback (from Bruce Sharp)

Feature idea (LEVEL 1)
Jeremy Walker

Bruce writes:

[Look at] the difference in feedback here.  In both examples below 2 [words] are [matched] correct[ly] and 1 is incorrect. (The words are different because there are 2 questions and it randomized them. I have too many words for our 26 letter alphabet.)


[BrainHoney marks the individual matches as correct or incorrect.]

Buzz doesn’t show them which words they missed:

We think that the BH view is more instructive and helpful to students.

Thank you for considering this request.


Comments (8)

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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

Jeremy, could you send me the course ID and activity (or item) ID of this activity? It should display properly. You may email it to me, if you wish.

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Jeremy Walker

Email sent.  Thanks.

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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

Jeremy, this is working as expected. In the Assessment Settings > Student review settings, it is set to never display correct choices. This does not allow for a user to see which response is incorrect or correct. 

It appears differently in Buzz from BrainHoney because of an enhancement. In Buzz, we now display assessments according to the defined settings for even teachers. This way, they can truly preview and assessment as a student. In BrainHoney, we did not honor these rules for a user enrolled in the course with editing/grading permissions.

I hope this helps. 

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Jeremy Walker

Thanks, Brad.  That does help.  

Here's something to consider.  Our teachers have always had a difficult time knowing what effect each of those settings had.  It would be great if somehow they could adjust those settings and preview them (ideally from the settings screen) without making them live for existing students.

Am I making sense?  Or is there a workflow that you would recommend where they could do that now easily?

Thanks so much!

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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

I really like your idea about giving them an live preview of what the settings do to a an assessment. I'll definitely include it in our authoring discussions.

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Jeremy Walker


I think there's another problem.  These same settings are affecting the teacher in the item grader view.  That's why the teachers just see the blank screen under questions when they are trying to grade.

I just submitted another YouTrack ticket for a teacher who thought there was an issue b/c the questions weren't showing up in her gradebook view of the student submissions.  If you have access to that system, take a peek at crownpoint-630 Issue with all of the questions appearing--Karen Topp and see if that helps illuminate things.

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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

The issue where a teacher is not seeing all question/answer-related information when grading is being worked on.

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Jeremy Walker

Additional info sent via email.  Thanks!

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