Buzz: Product Feedback

Assignment answer key--Bianchi

Feature idea (LEVEL 2)
Jeremy Walker

Jen Bianchi has suggested that it would be useful for her course team to have the ability in the settings panel to attach an answer key document for Assignment activities.

Currently many course teams add this in as a separate item that is not visible to students, but it would clean up the course and add efficiency for the teachers if that answer key document would then just appear as an option for them when viewing the activity or grading a submission.

Thanks for considering this request.

Comments (3)

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Miki Merritt

I have heard this request multiple times. It would be great to have this available.

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Melissa Moreno

I agree.  I usually grade from the dashboard so it is a pain to go look up keys.  There should be a way to add in Teacher Only Notes on a assignment when I am creating that assignment that would allow me to enter in grading notes that I could then use when the assignment appears on my dashboard.  Please add this feature.

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Ryan Josephson

Really a hassle having to track down an answer key from the needs grading page when it should be available from the same page as either an attachment or in a comment box similar to what Assessment essay questions answers look like.

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