Buzz: Product Feedback

Collapse Grades from Previous Grading Periods in Grades View

Implemented feature idea or fixed bug
Kevin McBride

We would like to see the ability to collapse the grades from a previous grading period in a course in the grades view. Preferably, it would be nice if it were the default for previous grading periods to be collapsed from view.

This would allow parents and students to focus on the grades only from the current grading period, while still being able to access the grades from a previous grading period.

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Jeremy Walker

We've been pushing for the same thing as well for quite some time in the BrainHoney environment.  I've attached a link to show how we think it might look:  Sample Collapsible Grades.  

As you can see, it allows the student and parent to drill deeper as needed based on their needs/desires.  With the additional spacing that Buzz uses on this screen, we think that this immediately provides a cleaner, more useful experience for all users.

It would be useful if the student/parent gradebook also automatically organized items in syllabus order within the categories, removing an extra organizational step from the teachers.

Thanks for considering this request.



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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

Could either of you share with me an ID of a course that you have that uses periods? 

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Jeremy Walker

29502617  That one should give you an idea of the issue. It would be typical of any of our courses, I think.

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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member


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Has this feature been pushed out yet? 

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