Buzz: Questions & Answers

Office 365 road map?

Feature idea (LEVEL 1)
Dan Gordon

I am interested in learning about what Agilix is planning to do with Office 365.  Is this the right channel to get information like that?


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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

Dan, good to see you here. These type of questions can be answered by your account manager (Thomas), but I will also look into it. I know that it is on our backlog but currently not prioritized.

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Lewis Huskey

I would echo Dan's request.  At IDLA, we are seeing districts taking a fresh look at Office 365, and we need to support those districts with the tools they choose.

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Aileen Sweeney

Where can I find documentation on integrating Active Directory SSO authentication for Buzz users?

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Ryan Richins
  • Agilix team member

Hi, Aileen.

Here is our SSO documentation:

With the right information from Active Directory (ADFS), this should be a pretty quick setup for you. It looks like ADFS uses SAML, so you'll need the Identity Provider (IdP) metadata xml file from ADFS for upload. 

Let us know if you have additional questions. Thanks!

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