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How do I add User Notes to courses, folders, and activities?

  • Updated:

Buzz lets you create notes (2,000 max) and attach them to courses, folders, and activities. After creating notes, you can return and review and edit them at any time.

These notes are intended for personal use and only you can access them.

User notes are not accessible from assessment activities by default, but can be enabled in the Assessment activity editor > Settings > Advanced assessment options.

How many User Notes can a user create?

For each user, Buzz allows the creation of up to 2,000 notes across all courses and activities.

Of those 2,000 notes:

  • They can create up to 10 course-level notes per course (meaning notes that are attached to a course as a whole).
  • They can create up to 10 folder- and activity-level notes per folder/activity (meaning notes that are attached to each individual folder or activity).

So, if a user were enrolled in a course with 2 folders and 4 activities, they could end up using up to 70 of their 2,000 notes:

  • 10 course-level notes
  • 20 folder-level notes (10 for each of the 2 folders)
  • 40 activity-level notes (10 for each of the 4 activities)

Create notes

To create a note:

  1. Open the Course Home:
    • To create a course-level note (attached to the entire course), click the Notes icon at the top of Course Home.
    • To create a folder- or activity-level note, select the desired folder or activity and click the Notes icon next to Help.
  2. Click the plus (+) sign, enter the note as plain text in the window that appears, and Save.
    • Note: Use hashtags with terms that you want to be easily searched. For example, you could use #MarineLife to be able to quickly find all notes related to that folder.

The note is saved and attached to the specific activity, folder, or course where you created it. In this example, it's attached to an activity called Find as many polygons as you can.

To access the note later, you can reopen this activity or click See all notes and find it.

On the All notes screen, notes are listed in chronological order. By default only notes from active courses are listed, but, you can click View past courses to see notes from inactive courses if your school allows it.

Review, edit, and delete notes

To review notes:

  1. Open the Course Home and click the Notes icon in the toolbar. Selecting it at the course level shows notes attached there; selecting it after opening an activity or folder shows notes attached to those items.
  1. Any notes attached to the course, folder, or activity that was selected when you clicked the Notes icon appear.
  2. Click Go to all notes to see all notes you've created.
  1. On the See all notes screen, notes are listed in chronological order.
  2. By default only notes from active courses are listed, but you can click View past courses to see notes from inactive courses.
  3. Use the Search window to find notes using specific words or hashtagged terms. (Hashtags make terms easily searched. For example, you could use #MarineLife to be able to quickly find all notes related to that folder.)
  1. Click on a note to Edit or Delete. Be sure to Save changes.

Admins can enable and disable User Notes on the Features screen.


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