
How do I record Accommodations and Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for existing students?

  • Updated:

Buzz lets administrators easily record Accommodations and other information that inform Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and compliance with 504, NCAA, ELL, etc.

When any Accommodations or IEP needs are recorded by an administrator, an Accommodations (flag) icon appears with the student name in multiple places in the Teacher app, making them visible (as read-only) for the users' teachers.

Accommodations and IEP needs are not visible for students.

Teachers can access Accommodations

Administrators create Accommodations

  1. Open the Users tool.
  2. Select the desired student to see their Details screen.
  1. Scroll to the Accommodations section and select the applicable accommodations:
    • Never automatically assign zeros to my past-due activities for this user.
    • Ignore activity passwords for this student; this setting asks you to enter the date on which you want this accommodation to expire. Overriding this setting for a student can be useful in a situation where passwords are provided during class, but a student is unable to attend for a period of time.
    • Ignore time limit on assessments for this user.
    • Check the box if you want to always allow SpeechStream tools during assessments.
    • Limit number of options on multiple-choice questions; this setting asks you to select the desired number of question options in the dropdown menu.  
  2. In the Individualized Education Program (IEP) card, click Edit.
  1. In the Individualized Education Program (IEP) editor, you can do any or all of the following:
    • Record notes in the rich text editor.
    • Upload a file (.html or .pdf) to attach to the student's IEP.
    • Link a URL to the student's IEP.
  2. When you're done, scroll to the top of the screen and Save your changes.

Teachers can access Accommodations

Once Accommodations are created for a user, an Accommodations (flag) icon appears with the student name in multiple places of the Teacher app.

Teachers can access Accommodations
  • When a teacher selects that student to access their Student screen, View Accommodations appears on the Dashboard. Teachers can click it to access the read-only Accommodations.

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