Say 👋 hello to BusyBee, your AI-powered learning & teaching companion for Buzz. Learn more!
This collection includes all articles from the Administrator section, organized by tool. Because administrators may be interested in topics that relate to other roles, some of these links point to the the Student, Teacher, and Parent or Observer sections.
- Get started with Buzz: Admins
- Admin tool breakdown
- How do I sign in to Buzz?
- How do I upgrade to Buzz?
- Migrating from BrainHoney to Buzz
- Migrating from previous versions of Buzz
- How do I borrow and share content with users outside of my organization?
- How do I import data into Buzz?
- How do I transition BrainHoney roles to match Buzz roles?
- Buzz Glossary
- Buzz's security model
- Buzz System Requirements
- Using Buzz for Professional Development (pdf-only)
Buzz in practice
Buzz in practice articles suggest ways to best make use of Buzz.
Access domain announcements using the Communication tool.
Use this tool to manage your domain's courses and their enrollments and subscribers.
Use this tool to manage your domain and its subdomains, permissions, subscribers, subscriptions, announcements, and resources.
- How do I use the Domain tool?
- How do I manage Domain Settings?
- How do I create a new subdomain?
- How do I create and manage domain roles?
- How do I manage user domain permissions?
- How do I add subscribers to my domain?
- How do I add subscriptions to my domain?
- How do I manage domain resources?
- How do I manage domain announcements?
- How do I brand my domain?
- How do I change my app images?
- Buzz theme options
- How do I manage styles and themes?
- How do I customize my sign-in screen?
- How do I enable Single Sign-On (SSO) in Buzz?
- How do I integrate Buzz and Google Drive?
- How do I update my Google Drive for the new Buzz URL?
- How do I enable a user to create their own account?
- How do I remove inherited customization settings?
- How do I allow students to change their profile picture?
- How do I upload files to use as resources?
- How do I upload profile picture avatars?
- How do I manage Digital Library extensions?
- How do I create badges?
- How do I create domain-wide landing page content?
- How do I allow students to change their email information?
- How do I transition BrainHoney roles to match Buzz roles?
- How do I enable Experimental Features in Buzz?
- How do I integrate Turnitin and Buzz?
- Roles & Permissions
- BrainHoney: Administrator Guide
- Search Agilix Community for "Domain"
Use this tool to create and manage objectives, objective sets, and objective maps.
You can run Gradebook, Student, Mastery, and User Activity Reports for courses in your domain. These reports provide high-level perspectives on student performance and course effectiveness.
Use this tool to manage your domain's users and their enrollments, domain permissions, subscriptions, observed enrollments, and observed users.
Additional articles
- Follow the "Buzz Administrator" section to be notified when a new article is posted.