
How do I complete a Self Assessment?

  • Updated:

Buzz lets you evaluate your personal understanding, interest, and effort in a course and communicate the results easily to your teacher.

From the Home page:

  1. Open the Course home and click the Heart button in the toolbar.
  1. Assess yourself by selecting the appropriate color on the scale below each of the following areas:
    • Understanding
      • Red = Lost
      • Yellow = OK
      • Green = Competent
      • Blue = Expert
    • Interest
      • Red = Bored
      • Yellow = OK
      • Green = Interested
      • Blue = Very Interested
    • Effort
      • Red = Slacking
      • Yellow = OK
      • Green = Trying
      • Blue = 100%
  2. Click Update to save and share your Self Assessment with your teacher.

Notice that the heart changes colors to reflect your choices.

Giving your teacher an honest Self Assessment can open up opportunities for you to collaborate to improve your experience and progress.


  • You’ll notice that you can access the heart icon from the toolbar whenever you have a specific course selected.
  • The Heart button is multi-colored to indicate your most recent Self Assessment.

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