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Agilix Learning Suite Release Notes

Agilix Learning Suite Release Notes (2023-08-24) - Buzz & ClassLink partnership | Buzz grade messaging and FTP improvements

  • Updated:
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Note: Release note articles reflect the state of the product on the date they are originally published. Always note the date in the title when reviewing content and follow the links in the notes to articles that are kept current.  

Buzz Release Notes

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A round-up of all improvements and changes to the Buzz platform in version v3.0.357 available on August 24, 2023.

Improved student grade messaging

To improve the experience for students whose course score is impacted by not earning a passing score on an activity with the Require a passing score for course credit setting enabled, we have added icons and messaging to the student and teacher apps.

This messaging will help students better understand which activities are impacting their course score and encourage them to take action.

This messaging impacts:

  • The Activity and Grade details screens, where students are made aware that the activity is required for a passing score even before they've taken it. If they do not pass it, the alert icon appears.

Improved SIS sync FTP instructions and added support for SFTP

In addition to adding support for the SFTP protocol, we have enhanced our SIS sync > FTP instructions screen to include domain-specific, copyable information for you to use when setting up an FTP export sync.

Learn more: Use FTP

Buzz updates

In this release, we:

  • Added support for the Border radius CSS class.
  • Added a Choose icon button in the Domain settings > Theme card > Menu icon and enlarged the resulting Choose icon dialog to show icon names in addition to the icons.

Buzz fixes

In this release, we also:

  • Made the Assessment grader > Points input field wider to avoid cutting off large point values.
  • Fixed an issue in the Editor > Scheduling tab where the Collapse icon and tooltip wouldn't change after collapsing a panel.
  • Fixed a styling issue in the Add group member dialog, so names are vertically centered with their avatar.
  • Fixed an issue where the Remove group member [X] button was clipped in the peer review group screen. 
  • Fixed an issue with up and down arrow navigation functionality in the following places: 
    • Activity grader > Quick-edit grading: Up arrow, down arrow, enter keys move between score fields. For MOS and Standards-based courses, left arrow and right arrow keys move between scoring objective score fields.
    • Publish anywhere > Activity grader: Up arrow, down arrow, enter keys move between score fields. 
  • Increased the width of the accommodations column of the Gradebook to prevent clipping of the column sort arrow in the header. 
  • Resolved a styling issue that caused the clear button to be clipped in the Editor > Course objectives screen > Filter field.
  • Fixed an issue where Buzz incorrectly reported an unknown error message when you successfully self-enrolled in a course.

Buzz APIs

Updates in version 2023.8.23.1540

Additions, Removal, or Changes:

  • None


  • Data Stream: Fixed a typo in a Data stream events API call: changed DomainEntityChange to DomainEntityChanged.

New and updated articles for Buzz

Note: The Buzz UI updates from 7/13 impact many of the screenshots in our documentation, and we haven't included all of those updated articles here. If you need a full list of the articles impacted by this change for your own documentation purposes, please contact Ryan at

TutorKit Release Notes

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A round-up of all improvements and changes to the TutorKit platform available on August 24, 2023.

TutorKit updates

No updates

Dawn Release Notes

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A round-up of all improvements and changes to the Dawn platform in version v2023.0823.221653 available on August 24, 2023.

Dawn updates

In this release, we:

  • Fixed markdown spacing inconsistencies.
  • Fixed text message notification issues.
  • Improved drag-and-drop behaviors.

Have a question or feedback? Let us know over in Discussions!