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Extensions by student

Implemented feature idea or fixed bug
Betsy Springer
I would like to have the option to extend a due date for a student. We had a student with a religious exemption and she needs to complete items due yesterday. I don't want to open it to everyone.

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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

Hello Betsy, you can do this today!

If you open the student's Grade details for the activity, you can select the due date and change it just for that one student.

Hope this helps!

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Betsy Springer

Thank you so much! Does this work for target due dates as well? 

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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

Good question. No, this does not include changing target due dates.

A target due date is a soft due date. While some rules do apply to this date, the student is allowed to complete the activity after the target due date has passed. Since it is soft (and generated automatically), we do not currently allow for a teacher to manually change it.

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