Buzz: Product Feedback

Library Issues

Implemented feature idea or fixed bug
Chad T. Lower

I am trying to go into the Library, select another course, and copy a folder from that course into my current course.

It looks like I can select individual items within a folder, but I can't click on the entire folder. When I try to, it opens the folder instead of putting the checkmark in the box.

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Brian Williams
  • Agilix team member

Hi Chad! 

Thank you for reporting this behavior! I want to let you know that we have made a change to resolve this reported behavior. You should see it included in our next release. 

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Chad T. Lower

Brian, Thank you. Is there anything I can do at the local level to change the behavior before next Thursday? I'd hate to wait and be a week's worth of work behind. I also an not eager to copy dozens and dozens of links manually for each course I am prepping this week.

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Brian Williams
  • Agilix team member

The change should occur today. 

Thank you! 

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Chad T. Lower

Oh yay! Thank you. I misunderstood your last post.

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