Buzz API

Wildcard in XML Query

Brian Collins
We use /reference to store external values that we can match against. Occasionally the reference might contain 2 values separated by a comma where we are trying to match one of the values, not the entire string. I want to say this worked before without any special treatment, however, it's not working now. Example... cmd=listuserenrollments&select=course,metrics&allstatus=true&userid=XXXXXXXX&query=/reference='1108351' Matches anywhere the reference is exactly '1108351' but how would we handle it if reference contained '11108351,1110810'? Thanks!

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Brian Williams
  • Agilix team member

Hi Brian! That's a great name! 

Unfortunately you can't use wildcards for that query. You could try using "IN" or "OR" according to the XMLQuery doc. 

Alternatively you could change the reference stored value to use only one set for a value (as long as it also is changed in the SIS to match). It doesn't sound like this occurs often, do you know how and why some values are stored with two sets of values? 

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Brian Collins

I did look at those options, unfortunately they won't work.

It's probably only 5% of enrollments, so enough to be a pain.  The values get stored that way because we map from our SIS two sections into one buzz course.  They have even gone as far as mapping 3, so that's fun.  I believe i have another way to resolve the issue by being able to determine the /reference value to send as the full string it's expecting, however, it's more front loading before the query which I was hoping to avoid.

I don't see many uses for a 'contains' or 'like' within the XML query syntax, but i'd vote for it being added.  :)

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