Buzz: Product Feedback

Creating Courses

Geoff Barrett
Everytime I create new courses, it's a huge pain to figure out exactly what steps you have to go through to make a course that actually works. I'll make ten courses and get the "Ooops" message on 9 before I finally get it right. I know I'm doing something wrong, but it should be more user friendly. Click this, click this and voila! I should never go through the process and get an oooops message when I go to open the class with no idea what I did wrong, even if I'm a complete idiot. Extremely frustrating.

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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

Hey Geoff Barrett, that does sound extremely frustrating. In fact, you shouldn't be getting any "Ooops" message. Could you either provide us or your support contact with more details as to when/how you are receiving the error?

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