Hi all,
I am currently running into a Buzz issue where my district has a policy that all missing work must be listed as 40% rather than a 0%, making the assign late work a 0% option relatively useless to me. Is there a way to automatically assign a specific percentage to past due assignments? Alternatively, is there a quick way to check a bunch of students for an assignment and then assign them all the same score? (I.E. I put a check next to each kid missing the assignment, then bulk grade them to a 40% allow retry?)
I don't know of a way to have it automatically input 40%. There is a bulk score entry though.
Open the activity grader (click on the assignment name in the gradebook). Click on the wrench at the top. Select Batch Update Scores from the pop-up menu.
You probably want to leave it set to unscored items. That will only fill the empty scores. Type in the score you want them to have. Click the update button.
Thanks Bruce, it may not be the solution I was hoping for but its a good step in the right direction, If I could batch allow retry for assignments below a certain percentage I would be golden. Thank you for the help, I appreciate it!
If you notice, in the batch update pop-up there is a tab for allow retry. You can't enter the 40% then batch allow retry. What you might test, though, is to first allow retry for any unscored. Then batch enter your 40% for unscored. Then look to see if the retry is still enabled for those students.
My district must not have some settings enabled, I can only batch allow retry for submitted assignments unfortunately, unless that is a setting I can enable? My issue is that I am trying to do this for students who have no submission in yet.
Hmmm, I'm not sure how something could be submitted, yet unscored. Maybe if it were an essay question you decided not to grade. Hopefully, someone from Agilix will chime in with a solution for you.
My issue comes not from submitted unscored (wasnt sure why that is an option either) but from needing to batch retry unsubmitted assignments, ill keep putzing away with it and maybe figure something out. Thanks for all the help so far Bruce, I thought you were an Agilix support member you were so helpful!
Buzz is not currently designed to handle this scenario. All late work that will be auto flunked will be issued a zero grade on the activities. There is not a way to change that behavior.
You could set the passing score as 40% so anything under that value will appear as red in the gradebook. The batch clear score button will appear for the students you have selected and if they were auto flunked by the system. It will not work for activities that are graded not by an auto flunk action. But you should be able to batch allow a retry after the students have been marked completed on the activity, which an auto flunk does do.
Thanks for the reply Brian, it sounds like there just isnt a good solution to me then since I am not allowed to enter a 0, which it seems like Buzz must rely on. Hopefully this is the kind of thing the Agilix team will look to add someday since we're certainly not the only school implementing this grading system. It would be awesome if there was an option to batch apply score w/options to a checked selection of students (I.E. I could check 8 kids that I need to change for one assignment in the gradebook, apply whatever score I needed to with options and then apply). It would also work if lightning grader had a retry button I could check when entering scores for kid, this seems like an easier solution and would work really well for me, but I imagine this may be some work to implement as well
Comments (8)
I don't know of a way to have it automatically input 40%. There is a bulk score entry though.
Open the activity grader (click on the assignment name in the gradebook). Click on the wrench at the top. Select Batch Update Scores from the pop-up menu.
You probably want to leave it set to unscored items. That will only fill the empty scores. Type in the score you want them to have. Click the update button.
Thanks Bruce, it may not be the solution I was hoping for but its a good step in the right direction, If I could batch allow retry for assignments below a certain percentage I would be golden. Thank you for the help, I appreciate it!
If you notice, in the batch update pop-up there is a tab for allow retry. You can't enter the 40% then batch allow retry. What you might test, though, is to first allow retry for any unscored. Then batch enter your 40% for unscored. Then look to see if the retry is still enabled for those students.
My district must not have some settings enabled, I can only batch allow retry for submitted assignments unfortunately, unless that is a setting I can enable? My issue is that I am trying to do this for students who have no submission in yet.
Thanks again, this has been very helpful!
Hmmm, I'm not sure how something could be submitted, yet unscored. Maybe if it were an essay question you decided not to grade. Hopefully, someone from Agilix will chime in with a solution for you.
My issue comes not from submitted unscored (wasnt sure why that is an option either) but from needing to batch retry unsubmitted assignments, ill keep putzing away with it and maybe figure something out. Thanks for all the help so far Bruce, I thought you were an Agilix support member you were so helpful!
Hello everyone!
Buzz is not currently designed to handle this scenario. All late work that will be auto flunked will be issued a zero grade on the activities. There is not a way to change that behavior.
You could set the passing score as 40% so anything under that value will appear as red in the gradebook. The batch clear score button will appear for the students you have selected and if they were auto flunked by the system. It will not work for activities that are graded not by an auto flunk action. But you should be able to batch allow a retry after the students have been marked completed on the activity, which an auto flunk does do.
Thanks for the reply Brian, it sounds like there just isnt a good solution to me then since I am not allowed to enter a 0, which it seems like Buzz must rely on. Hopefully this is the kind of thing the Agilix team will look to add someday since we're certainly not the only school implementing this grading system. It would be awesome if there was an option to batch apply score w/options to a checked selection of students (I.E. I could check 8 kids that I need to change for one assignment in the gradebook, apply whatever score I needed to with options and then apply). It would also work if lightning grader had a retry button I could check when entering scores for kid, this seems like an easier solution and would work really well for me, but I imagine this may be some work to implement as well