Teachers are using the email feature built in buzz but the students with gmail accounts are not receiving the emails. Our IT staff are saying that our Gmail whitelist needs the Agilix server IP address. How do we get information?
All emails initiated from/by Buzz are sent from mailer@agilix.com. While not needed, it may be safe to whitelist emails from these domains: agilix.com, agilixbuzz.com. Students should also should check their SPAM boxes to make sure the emails are not being directed to there and check their G-Mail settings to make sure their account is not blocking incoming mail.
Comments (1)
Hi Margaret!
All emails initiated from/by Buzz are sent from mailer@agilix.com. While not needed, it may be safe to whitelist emails from these domains: agilix.com, agilixbuzz.com. Students should also should check their SPAM boxes to make sure the emails are not being directed to there and check their G-Mail settings to make sure their account is not blocking incoming mail.