Buzz: Product Feedback

Assessment Feedback in Gradebook

Feature idea (LEVEL 1)
Noelle Thomas
The rubrics in the gradebook allow teachers to select the "Leave Feedback" text so teachers can leave feedback on individual parts of a rubric. Can we get something similar for the Assessments in the gradebook as well? If a student gets a question wrong, we can't leave feedback aside from general feedback, and it would be nice to be able to leave specific feedback on specific assessment questions.

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Brian Williams
  • Agilix team member

Hey Noelle:

Currently it is possible within the question editor to define feedback for individual questions based on for example if the student gets the question correct or wrong. However it doesn't allow deviating from that feedback at the time of grading. We will take into consideration allowing a grader to enter their own custom feedback on questions within the grade editor. 

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Ken Krummenacker

Brian- our teachers are requesting this ability as well- any update?

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Any update on this?


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