Buzz: Questions & Answers

Enabled Grading


Did the enable grading under grade book options get removed in the new UI. The old UI had that feature to make an activity be able to be put into the calendar without it being gradable. I do not see that in the new UI unless I am just completing missing it.  Asking because if I want to add something to the calendar but not make it gradable it is not possible anymore!

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Jason Albertson

Here's how I get that effect: In the settings page for any activity, check Due date in the Activity Settings block, but uncheck This activity is gradable in the Gradebook and submission block. This will let you set a due date, but it won't require grading--students will just mark the activity complete to remove it from their to-do lists.

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Okay thanks Jason and that worked.  One more question is this something that can be simple done in an API call for an entire course?

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Jason Albertson

Probably, but I don't work with the API enough to have figured it out.

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The issue works great with a Traditional / Range course but that feature does not work with a continuous course.  Any ideas if that feature of adding an activity to a course will be available.

I need to be able to create or adjust an activity to make it show up in the to do list with out making it a gradable activity.

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Brian Williams
  • Agilix team member

Activities that are using the activity type of website or resource will not display within the student calendar. 

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So just to confirm it was there in the old UI correct?

I have attached a screen shot that allows me to add this feature and it shows up in my calendar on a continuous course.

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Okay thanks


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Leigh Tillman

Brian - why would this option have been removed? There should be an option to add activities to the calendar if they are not graded items. I would be interested in understanding the logic behind this decision. We have run into a significant issue because of this no longer being an option. 

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