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Why is the eText section not showing a mark of completion in the gradebook?

Ramsey Education

Though there is a column in the gradebook for each eText assignment, a completion mark is not populating once students have completed these readings. How can I make this happen?

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Bruce Sharp

Generally, an item is marked complete when the student receives a grade. If this is not something that you assign a grade to then you need to uncheck "[t]his activity is gradable" in the settings.


If you want it to stay in the gradebook but want it marked complete some other way then completion is controlled here:


These are your options. Since I'm not sure what your activity involves I'm not sure which would work best for you.

You can see here that I set my assignments to be complete when the student receives a passing score. I also changed the passing score definition to 70%. That way it won't come off the students' to-do lists until they can earn 70%.

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Ramsey Education

Hi Bruce. The activity to which I refer is a reading assignment. Once students finish reading the pages for this assignment, I would like for a mark of completion to populate in the gradebook. When I uncheck "This activity is gradable," I no longer have an option to choose "Receives a passing score" in the Advanced Activity Options. I realize this is likely because there is no grade to this assignment. 


I attempted to leave the "This activity is gradable" box checked and chose "Receives a passing score"; however, after students went through the reading once again, no notification of completion populated in the gradebook. Do you have any suggestions for how to make this happen? Thanks for your time.

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Bruce Sharp

The default setting to mark the activity as complete when student receives a passing score won't mark it complete until the student has a score. If it is strictly a reading assignment without any questions then you would have to manually enter a score for each student. If this is a reading passage that you put in Buzz, then I would add a 1 point true/false question (or however many points you want) at the end that says something like:

Did you read the passage as instructed?

a. Yes

b. No

After the student  reads they check yes and submit their answer to get the point. As soon as they submit their answer they get a score so the item will be marked complete.

Another option would be to change the completion setting to mark as complete when student "views for a specified amount of time" then just have the time set to 1 minute. As long as the activity window is open for more than 1 minute (or whatever you set the time limit to be) it will be marked complete.

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Ramsey Education



Thank you for all the information! You've been so much help. I'm interested in the option to change the completion setting to mark as complete when the student "views for a specified amount of time," but I'm not seeing that option. Am I looking in the right place here?

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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

Hey Rebecca, you are looking in the right location but the option for "views for a specified amount of time" is only available for non-gradable activities. 

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Bruce Sharp

I didn't realize that. Thanks Brad

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Bruce Sharp

If she makes the assignment not graded, then chooses mark as complete after viewed for a specified time is there still a way to see a list of which students completed the assignment or not since it isn't in the grade book?

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Ramsey Education

Hey Brad, thanks for the information. I have a quick follow up question for you about that. If the activity is set as "non-gradable," then it doesn't show up in the gradebook, which is what we're wanting to have happen. Is there a way around this so that the activity appears in the gradebook as being completed? Thanks for your help!

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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

In the Gradebook, you can set it to "Show non-gradable activities". 

In this view, you will see the completion status of non-gradable activities.

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Ramsey Education

Bruce and Brad, you two have been so helpful! Thank you both so much for your help.

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