Buzz: Tips & Tricks

Best Practices for Teaching Across Multiple Domains

Michael Denton

What mechanisms have been the most helpful when an educator teaches the same course across multiple domains?

Presume that a district has universal courses on health, which they copy to every school in the district. If a district resource teaches the 3rd Grade Health course at all the elementary schools, then their home page will list Course Cards which all have the exact same name and exact same image. There is no way to tell which one houses students for a particular school.

Obviously, one answer is to update the school specific course with an identifying name. What other options have administrators found? The Observers home page is excellent, because it asks which student they want to observer so, it doesn't matter if the student is in the elementary school domain or the high school domain. Buzz does not have a similar mechanism for district-wide educators.

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Brian Williams
  • Agilix team member

Hello Michael:

You are correct with your observation. The best method will be to have an identifier (naming the course title with something unique) to make it easier to distinguish from other courses.

One thing you may do to identify students within a particular course is after navigating to the teacher's courses page, select the People page from the collapsed main menu. From there, you may select the display options cog at the upper right hand of the page which will present additional tools to sort the list of students by the course title they are enrolled in. This may be useful if changes to the course titles are later performed.  

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Michael Denton

Thank you.

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