Buzz API

Feedback Eye catching ability

Implemented feature idea or fixed bug
Michael Fox

How do we make the feedback notification more visible to the students when they open the classes.?

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Brian Williams
  • Agilix team member

Hello Michael!

Currently there is not a way to increase the size of the feedback indicator in the student's activity stream. This will require an enhancement request for such a feature.   

One potential option is that teachers may email their students. Teachers may let students know when they have graded activities to check for feedback if it was left.  

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Michael Fox

So, because the feed back indication is so small, I have take another step to let me students know that there is feed back when there is already a notice waiting for them that most students miss.


Remember when Ucompass used to send an email to the student when the assignment was graded and included the feedback. 


I find it hard to believe that this cant be programmed into the new buzz and that i am the only one who has said something.


Don't we improve each version based on the Feedback from the users?


I would like to make an enhancement request, how do I do that?

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Brian Williams
  • Agilix team member

Hi Michael!

We have noted your feedback and will take it into consideration for improving Buzz. If this is a priority feature, you may reach out to your authorized account representative who can submit a formal enhancement request to Agilix.    

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